I'm Sorry

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Today is it...

And I hate how far this plan has gone. All because of me.

'I should apologize to Traveler, I did ask them to help out after all.'

"Chongyun, are you really planning on staying here all day?" I turn to speak to Hu Tao.

"Well... yes. I did say today, and I never necessarily said exactly when."

She sighs and sits atop the bamboo railing of the bridge. "You're nervous Chongyun and i understand. But. What I dont understand is, why must it be this early?" She yawns and summons her polarm, leaning against it to carry her weight.

"I'm scared, Hu Tao." I reply.

"Huh?" She perks up, from my response. "That's... suprisingly honest from how much you've been lying lately."

She jumps down from the railing and walks up to me, placing her hands atop my shoulders.

"You're okay Chongyun." She comforts me. "Remember. Bestfriends. I'm positive everything will be fine."

"Thank you Hu tao." I thank her for her words. "You dont have to stay here you know."

"I know." she hums, going back to sit on the railing.

"But I figuered it would be best if i was here for you, ya know? you're both my friends after all."

"Thank you." I say again.

"Yawn! there's no need to thank me, Chongyun. We all care about you. Judging by how much time has passed, I should probably be leaving soon." She sighs, leaning back on the railing looking out towards the harbor.

"You should join us Chongyun!" Hu Tao offers. "Xiangling and I are going out looking for ingredients today."

"Why?" I ask her. "Isn't there enough at the restaurant.

"Well sure." Hu Tao shrugs. "But Xiangling wants to create a new Lantern Rite dish to celebrate the last day, and I'm tagging along to make sure it doesn't end up in her collection of nasty slime dishes."

She jumps off the railing once again, stretching, and begins to walk away.

"I'm sure Xingqiu wont be showing up till later, so join us? It might help you destress a bit." She holds up her offer.

"I'm fine, Hu Tao. I think leaving would have me feeling worse anyways." I refuse.

I hear Hu Tao loudly sigh as she continues to speak. " Whatever suits you. Best of luck for when he shows!" She runs off, waving goodbye.

I turn to look out at the harbor.

'I dont even know if Xingqiu will show up.'

I sigh and sit down on the bridge. Next to me, was the lantern Hu Tao had given me.

'I know I've messed up...'


'but I dont want this to be the end.'


'I hope you've decided Xingqiu.'


'I am so sorry.'


"You need to form the frame like this in order for the lantern to properly fly." I say bending the framework on Razor's... far from finished lantern.

"Uh, Xingqiu?" I hear Bennett call me from behind.

"Yeah?" I turn and see him holding up a pile of whatever remained from his lantern.

"What... happened?"

"I uh, tripped." Bennett laughed.

"That doesn't look like you tripped." I tell him, deeply concerned.

"I'm fine. I'm fine." He smiles. "I just need some more materials, I swear I'll get it right this time."

I knew showing them how to make a lantern would be a challenge, but I didn't think Bennett would manage to set fire to three lanterns, crush five, and some how demolish his ninth one by tripping.

Razor seems to be doing fine but, progress is rather slow.

"Book, how do I put paper on the lantern frame?" Razor asks me.

Real slow.

"More materials are over here, bennett." I direct him over to a couple of crates that we had brought out for our crafts. "would you like to use anything diffrent perhaps? for your new lantern?" 

he takes some time to ponder as I go back to Razor and demonstrate  how to apply the paper around the frame.

I doubt we'll be able to do anything of than make lanterns before the day ends.

'At least we should be able to release them.'

"You know Xingqiu, I think I'll try out some of these for my lantern!" Bennett presents me the materials for his hopefully soon to be xiao lantern.

"I look forward to seeing how it turns out then." I nod to him my approval.

He smiles, giving a tumbs up. "Just wait Xingqiu, its gonna turn out great! I feel like this one is it." He heads back to his area working on his lantern once more.

'I really hope so'

"I'm going to take a break, I'll return soon." I tell them both as I step out for a bit.

The finale of the Lantern Rite...

And I still...

Dont know what to do.

But from what it seems, I'll still be spending Tonight with Bennett and Razor.

I haven't even told them about Chongyun... he was originally joining us after all.

I guess I'll have to make up a lie for him soon...

'I'm sorry, Chongyun.'


'I still...'


'don't know. '

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now