Extra Bit of Help

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While doing business for the funeral parlor and that walking encyclopedia, Zhongli, I happened to run into a friend of mine, Chongyun.

He didn't seem to fond of my greetings, but that's just the usual.

One odd thing that did happen, was that he asked for my help.

It doesn't seem to be helping him cross over though, So whatever it is, I'm sure it isn't in my area of expertise.

"I recently came to face a...um... spirit."

And from that moment, I already knew, that everything he would say next: was a complete lie.

With his yang spirit there's no way he'd ever encounter one. He remains hopeful, but I have my doubts.

I decided to entertain his lie and see if I can get down to the truth behind it all.

"Hmm, I see." I say, putting my hand up to my chin, playing along.

"So what is this problem with this spirit?" I ask him.

"I've never seen one before, so I... uh... I...ran?" he stutters.

Chongyun seemed to be just about as dumb as a newly formed cryo slime... in the nicest way possible.

I hurts to just think, but whatever is going on here, isn't working.

He continues to trip over his words, trying to make sense of anything he could, as I watch.

There's an attempt, but it's a very sad one.

If I were to have him continue any longer, it would just be embarrassing for him and myself.

"Aiya, aiya." I sigh. "You sure do suck at lying Chongyun, I thought you could do better."

"Wha- I-" he looks at me, lost for words. It was hard not to laugh.

'Did he really think his lie would work?'

I grab his arm and begin to pull him the opposite direction of where we were originally heading.

"Wait- Hu Tao! Where are we going, aren't you supposed to be doing stuff for the parlor?" He shouts, confused from my sudden change.

"That encyclopedia and his expensive chopsticks can wait." I shout, as I continue to drag him along.

"Encyclopedia... chopsticks...?"

He lightens his struggle in confusion to what I said.

"That's what you had to do for the funeral Parlor?" He says in a more judging tone, instead of questioning.

"No need to worry about that." I slow my pace as he stops struggling, and let go of his arm. "Let's go and see Xiangling, okay?" I turn and stop to say.

Chongyun looks at me with a rather annoyed look.

Meaning, he rather be anywhere else, than with me right now.

I give him a big smile and laugh, my way to tell him  that he wont be getting away.

He sighs, seeming to get the message.

"Alright, let's go to Xiangling's." He says, with the most annoyed look I've ever seen him wear.

"Yoh! alrighty then." I hum as we make our way to Xiangling's.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now