Welcoming Back

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The week was over, and Xingqiu was to return to Lyiue soon.

I had been stoping by the gate of Lyiue, checking constantly, to see if Xingqiu had returned.

But he has yet to show up.

I sigh and go to sit on a crate near the side of Liyue's entrance.

Ever since I've realized, my... feelings, I've been trying to find a way to tell Xingqiu.

I dont want to tell him right when he returns. I said I would tell him in the best way I could, and I will.

"Um excuse me." A voice calls out.

I turn to see a lady. She was carrying some materials, that seemed to be to much for her to carry.

"Could you help me out, um, sir?"

She tries to peak her head around to see me, and beings to lose her balance.

I quickly jump up to help her, catching the falling materials, and helping her regain balance.

"Thank you." She sighs.

She leads me over to a stall being set up on the opposite side of the gate.

"Thank you for your help, here." The lady put out her hand to give me some mora in return for helping her. "Its only a little mora, but please take it as a thank you."

She grabs my hand and places the mora in my hands.

"Ah, thank you. I only wanted to make sure you were okay." Going by what she said, I doubt she would want to take it back, so I accept her offer.

I put the mora away and thank her once again.

I look around the stall that she had been setting up. "What's all the materials for?" I ask.

"Oh, my family wanted to set up a stall for the Lantern Rite." She stated.

'The Lantern Rite.'

The lady continued "They wanted to set up near Lyiue's entrance so we could serve food to ariving visitors."

She turns to work on her stall once again.

I had forgotten about the Lantern Rite. The lights, atmosphere, and the hot foods would all be too much for me. Xingqiu always loved to talk about it. He always said he'd like for all of us to attend together, but I never could. Well, not for long, without feeling sick because of my pure spirit.

'Mabey I could do something during the festival'

"I see, I'll be on my way." I walk away from the woman and her booth, looking back to the gate.

'Still no Xingqiu'

I lower my head, feeling disheartened.

But if I was to do something for the festival, I'd have to be careful not to get too emotional from the environment.

I turn around ready to head home for the day, hoping to catch him tomorrow.


I quickly look up, right before i was pulled into a sudden embrace.

"Xingqiu?" I say out of suprise.

He continues to wrap his arms around me, he hugs me tightly.

"Welcome back." I manage to say.

I begin to feel my ears flush red, and my face feeling warm.

'Not good.'

I grab Xingqiu's shoulders and push him back a bit, but his hold grows stronger. "Xingqiu? Are you okay?"

He releases me from his hold as he speaks. "Of course I am, Chongyun."

'Why Chongyun?'

He continues. "Its just nice seeing you again. After all, I was gone for awhile."

Xingqiu gives me a smile, but something about it seemed off. Not only that, but...

He hadn't called me Yun.

'What's wrong?'

I try to bring myself to ask, but Xingqiu soon speaks once again.

"Say, how about we head somewhere to eat? I haven't had Lyiue food in a while, and I'm starving. "

Xingqiu turns towards the city, and begins to walk away.

'Maybe it's best if I dont.'

I walk up to him, remembering the mora the lady had given me. "Hey, as a welcome home, I could pay for today." I offer.

"Huh, really?"

"Let's just not go anywhere too expensive though."

"Haha, sure."

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now