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Looking out over to the harbor, I can see everyone gathered, the glow from everyone's lantern seeping into the sky.

It was beautiful.

'Traveler was right. It really is a great spot.'

You could hear the laughter and chatter of the people down at the harbor, but here... it's quiet.

Nothing but the sound of the water splashing down and running off into the water below the bridge I stand on.

It was peaceful.

But yet... it feels sad.

Xingqiu, is still not here.

'There's still time'

'It's Xingqiu's choice anyways.'

I continue to stare out to the harbor. The mingxiao lantern was much bigger from the past ones I've seen. A lot of effort was put in by the people this year.

As time went on I continued to stand at the bridge, watching as people gathered for the final release of the lanterns. The end of the Lantern Rite.

I watch as the mingxiao lantern is slowly released into the air, its glow, mesmerizing. One by one peoples xiao lanterns began to follow. They sky was filled with a warm glow, it was a sight to see from afar.

With Xingqiu not here, I grab my lantern and prepare to have it join along with the wishes and desires of those still being released into the sky.

'I wonder if Xingqiu is out there with Bennett and Razor.' I think while taking a moment to look at the sky. What wish would he be making now? If he really was out there with a lantern of his own.


'What should ny wish be?'

I stand staring at the sky, thinking of what it could be.

So many things run through my mind, but none sum up everything I wish for him to have.

I suppose I should say it, the best I can.

I light my candle with a match given to me by Hu Tao.

Now holding the lit lantern in my hands, I close my eyes. I can feel the warmth of the candle fall against my face as I prepare to say my wish.

"I love Xingqiu, I love him as a friend and... more. I've made mistakes and I'm not sure if I can fix them, but I want to wish for Xingqiu to be happy. Weather he forgives me or not, I will always wish him well." I say aloud to the lantern, I suppose hoping to get my feelings across it even if to perhaps to feel better myself.

I take a deep breath calming myself from everything I had said.

I let go of the lantern and watch as it floats up to the sky, heading to join the other lanterns out over the Sea of Clouds.

"Goodbye." I wave to my lantern.

And now...

I suppose this...

Is the official end...

of the Lantern Rite.

"Farewell." I hear a voice to my side.

I quickly turn to see a figure with a lit lantern in hand.

I stood frozen, unable to understand.

'Did someone else plan to come here?'

"You were saying goodbye to your lantern right?" They say, their voice sounding slightly out of breath and tired as they laughed.

Slowly the shock from this persons sudden appearance wore away, beginning to realize who it was.

"I suppose I came a bit too late to release lanterns with you." He laughed again.

"Xingqiu..." I manage to say, with everything about my wish, sudently spinning around my head.

Now finding myself completely, unsure of what to do.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now