A Nice Walk

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I wake up and dress in my usual white and blue attire.

I look out my window and see that it will soon be approaching noon.

'I slept in.'

After all, I did stay out longer than I had expected. All thanks to Xingqiu.

Dragging me around, and calling it a date.

I step outside, feeling the heat of the sun rush over me.

'It's rather hot today.'

It was a good thing I didn't have much planned for today, otherwise this weather would of been a pain to deal with.

I eventually find a tree to sit under, I could feel the heat getting to me. Which is never good for my spirit.

Seems like its going to be like this for a while.

'What a pain it will be.'

"Did you hear about what happened last night?" I overhear teo people talking as the walk by.

"Some people came from Dunyu Ruins claiming that they saw evil spirits." One states.

"Really? But there's never been anything reported from there, the ruins are drowned in water anyways." The other person adds.

"Its no longer underwater, it was drained a while back. No one knows how it happened, but ever since then reports of spirits have been surrounding the place."

"Scary..." I hear the last one say, before they begin to walk off, their voices becoming distant muffles.

If I remember correctly, Dunyu Ruins had always been underwater, until one day it had been mysteriously drained. No one knows what's in the ruins; but if people have been reporting things like evil spirits, it would be worth checking out.

'I should see if Xingqiu could join me'

To help me out of course. In case anything were to happen, it would be best go have someone by your side, just in case.

Not for anything ridiculous, like what Xingqiu would say.

"Chongyun." I hear someone call from behind me.

I quickly turn to see Xingqiu behind me, with a book in his hand.

"Xingqiu. How are you?" I ask him, thinking of some way to bring up what I had just heard.

He awnsers me, following up with a question of his own.

"I'm doing well, but why are you out Chongyun? Today's weather isn't the type you particularly enjoy."

"Ah I-" I decide to use this as a time to bring up what I heard. "I had overheard some people discussing some reports of evil spirits at Dunyu Ruins, I was thinking about investigating them."

"I see." Xingqiu says.

He sits down beside me against the tree, his shoulder slightly touching mine.


I move away slightly, Inorder to keep my spirit under control I must avoid any contact that could take me away from my calm state. That's all.

Xingqiu doesn't seem to mind or notice. In fact, after sitting he instantly returned to reading his book.

'He wasn't going to ask to join me?'

"I might be going to check the area out tonight and see how it is." I add in.

All Xingqiu gives is a small nod and a "hmm" in response.

"I think, I'll start heading off now. After all, the trip would take some time. I'll see you later Xingqiu."

I stand up, and open my parasol, as I begin to walk away.

Asking Xingqiu would just lead to him asking if it would be a date, leading to many unwanted jokes anyways.

"Wait." I hear Xingqiu call out, I hear him stumble in the grass as he comes up behind me. "Wouldn't you need someone to accompany you? We could consider it date, a nice hike to the Ruins, we could even have a picnic there as well."

I take that back, not asking him would lead to him saying it's a date as well.

"You were just waiting for me to ask you. Huh, Xingqiu?"

"You never asked, so i guess we'll never know." Xingqiu shrugged, wearing a smug smile a cross his face.

Xingqiu joined me on my walk.

"Say, you'll hold me if I'm scared right Yun?" Xingqiu says teasingly along the way.

He grabs my arm lightly and laughs.

I sigh "I'll give you a talisman to ward anything away from you, okay?"

Xingqiu laughs again, letting go of my arm. "Sounds good enough for me."

We continue walking on, his warmth, still faint.

I smile to myself.

'Silly Xingqiu'

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now