Dunyu Ruins

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"Oh wow" me and Xingqiu stand at the edge of where we last remember the water of Dunyu laying, it was now drained, revealing more of the worn down ruins underneath.

"I've heard of how it had been drained, but seeing it is something else."

Xingqiu seemed to be enjoying our exploration of the ruins, dragging me over to every interesting thing that catches his eye.

"Yun look!"

"Xingqiu, we're here for- wait!"

After some time, the sky soon fell dark, revealing the stars above us.

Xingqiu had found a place to sit and read his book, that he had brought along the way.

"Chongyun..." he sounded tired "its quite late, we should go now if we want to get back to Liyue before morning."

"Hmm, you're right." I agree with him. "You should head back, you seem already pretty exhausted."

Xingqiu seemed to wake up from what ever sleepy state he must of been in, because I hear him jump up and shout. "You're not going to head back? We looked and nothing was worthy to note."

I look over to him and apologize.  "I'm sorry, Xingqiu, but I must stay to make sure that everything is clear."

Xingqiu begins to protest. "Yun, you cant do that, you're just going to exhaust yourself."

I try to push him away from the idea he might be thinking. "I can stay up, it's not like I haven't done this before. I wouldn't want to force you to stay anyways."

"Well, I'll choose to stay here, we can switch who goes out to look around. I wont change my mind Chongyun."

Xingqiu makes his point clear, I know that no matter what I try to say, he'll refuse to leave.

"Fine." I sigh in defeat. "Let me be the first to look around at least."

Xingqiu agrees, as he sits down, back to his book once again.

I walk off, looking around the ruins, once more.

After some time passes I begin to head back, to tell Xingqiu it was now his turn.

"Hey, Xingqiu I-" I quickly stop and see that Xingqiu had passed out, while I was gone.

His head was resting against a pillar beside him, his book lay on his lap, still open. As I walked closer you could hear his soft snores.

"I told you Xingqiu, you should if just gone back to Lyiue."I smile, muttering under my breath.

I gently grab the book from his hand, and place his bookmark on the page, and set I down beside him.

I sit down beside him, looking around our surroundings, still nothing.

I sigh, disappointed, not being able to find a spirit anywhere.

I feel Xingqiu move slightly as he begins to lean on my shoulder.

'Its cold tonight anyways, a little warmth wouldn't hurt.'

I look to the stars, only wishing I had brought a blanket for Xingqiu.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now