Joining The Two

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I end up running into Bennett and Razor along my way.

"Hello, Bennett, razor." I greet the two and look to see that Xingqiu, wasn't with them.

"Feeling better?" Razor asks me.

I look away feeling a bit embarrassed, that they must of dealt with with me yesterday too.
"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, having you guys deal with mr after passing out like that." I laugh it off.

"Wait. You passed out!?" Bennett shouts.


"Xingqiu didn't say that! are you okay? Me and Razor could go get you some medicine, we dont mind." Bennett continues, muttering about diffrent medicines that could help me feel better.

"What do you mean Xingqiu didn't say anything? You, weren't with him?" I ask both Bennett and Razor, and both, shaking their head no.

"Xingqiu left to check up on you, while me and Razor went to get some food." Bennett said. "When he came back, Xingqiu said you were at home just fine."

Razor nodded in agreement.

Well that doesn't exactly go against Xiangling's story, but it is a different one.

"Where is Xingqiu?" I look around once again, still not here.

"Eh, well." Bennett began to speak. "We were supposed to go eat at the Wanmin Restaurant this morning, but Xingqiu said he suddenly received work from his family."

Xingqiu, receiving work from his family? But if he already had plans with them two, Xingqiu would of just snuck away.

'Without plans, I'm sure he still would of'

Unless the work something really important, but the story feels odd.

"Well, if Xingqiu really is busy, do you mind if I join you two?" I ask them.

Dispite having known Razor and Bennett for a week, I really havent gotten to know the two of them.

"Of course you can!" Bennett smiles, he reaches out to grab my arm, so we could begin to head to Wanmin, but Razor quickly steps in between us.

He grabs hold of Bennett's hand then grabs my arm, basically walking with Bennett, and pulling me along.

"Razor, you know I would of still held your hand." Bennett laughs.

"I just wanted to be in middle, that is all." Razor spoke.

"We both know that's not true." Bennett says, teasing Razor.

Razor stays silent, before picking up his pace, now dragging both me and Bennett a long.

"Let's hurry, I want meat." Razor says, as Bennett begins to laugh once again.

Seeing the two made me happy, I suppose I misjudged both of them, and Bennett most of all.

We continue to head to the Wanmin, as all three of us begin to talk and laugh with one another.

'I'm not sure if Xingqiu really is busy, but if he is, It would be best to see him later on, tonight.'

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now