Off to Explore

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"Morning Xingqiu!" I open my door to see Bennett greeting me.

"Hey Bennett, where's Razor?" I ask looking behind him.

"Well a lady came up to our room saying that breakfast had been prepared for us all, so he went down to eat."

"Ah I see, well I'll be down soon to join you two." I tell Bennett as I walk back to my room grabbing my coat and vision.

"Okay then Xingqiu, we'll see you in a bit." Bennett says as I hear his footsteps fade down the hall.

I finish getting ready and reach out to grab my tassel.


I stand still as I look to my empty bedside, my hand hovering over where it would be.


I sigh and walk out to meet with Bennett and Razor.

"You're not busy today, Xingqiu?"
Bennett asks while eating.

I take a moment to think. I hadn't gone with them yesterday due to what had happened, and because I was still left confused from it.

Even though I think things were cleared up a bit, last night still ended up a complete mess.

"I believe my schedule is clear for the day."

Razor seems to respond with sounds instead of proper words.

"Razor! Dont try to talk with food in your mouth." Bennett scolds him.

"Sorry." I could barely here him say as he attempts to finish his food.

"Weren't you talking with food in your mouth a moment ago?" I say to Bennett.

"Well... Razor's eat ten times more than me so that's an exception." He replies back.

"Right." I laugh. "Since I'm free today, what do you two want to do?"

"Adventure!" Bennett attemps to throw his fist into the air but hits the table knocking over his drink.

"Oh crud!" He stands with his pants now soaked. "Sorry." He nervously laughs.

"After I clean up?" He suggests.

I laugh. "Yes, yes of course."

Bennett walks out, leaving just me and Razor

"You two really like adventuring." I joke with him. "At this point I wouldn't be surprised if you've explored the entirety of Liyue."

Razor nods with a big smile. "Adventure with Bennett is very fun. I like being with him." He says smiling wider than before.

Seeing him happy I cant help but smile myself.

"I'm glad you two are happy."

Razor nods happily while continuing to eat his food.

"But-" he says once he finishes "Are you happy, Book?"

"Huh?" His question catches me off guard, having me think back to the events of last night.

"Of course I am Razor." I say, now forcing the smile I wore.

'Bothering Razor or Bennett about it would be rude.'

"Bennett says you have been seeming down. I also agree." Razor continues. "We want you to be okay, we are friends."

"...thank you, Razor." I say taking a moment.

"I suppose I haven't been in the best condition, but I can assure you I'm fine... its just... silly troubles." I tell him.

"But you are upset, right? So you're troubles are not silly." He asks me.

But... I dont know.

I'm not upset like I had been last night, but am I okay right now?

"Xingqiu? You dont look to well."

I look over to the door way and see Bennett with a worried expression and clean clothes.

"I-" I try to speak but find myself shaking and nothing to say.

Bennett walks up to me and kneels down infront of me, with Razor following and standing behind.

"Xingqiu?" He says, with me already understanding what he means.

"No... I'm not." I manage to say weakly.

"Well we dont have to go out today." He offers while looking around us frantically. "We could just stay inside, you dont have to talk about stuff either. We'll all just hang out!"

I laugh a bit from Bennett's little game of panicked charades as he tries to help me out.

"Its alright Bennett, I think fresh air would be better for me anyways. Adventure just might be what I need." I give him a smile, and with myself feeling a little better.

He stops and turns to look at Razor, then me and smiles wide. "Alrighty then!" He clears out his throat and stands up, looking to the ceiling in a proud stance. "Benny's adventure team assemble!"

He stands while both me and Razor stare is silence.

"Aww, c'mon guys!" He groans, now slouching.

"What with you two and bullying me like this?" He asks me and Razor I a joking sort of tone.

I cant help but laugh again as I stand. "Alright, alright." I say as I put out my fist infron of both of them. "Assemble."

Bennett quickly joins in with his fist, with Razor simply putting out his hand.

"Assemble!" Bennett shouts and we soon head off to explore Lyiue once more.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now