A Talk And Food

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"Ooopen up, we're here to visit you~"

"Hu Tao, that isn't needed. All you need to do is knock."

"Aiya, but that's no fun. You need to lighten up a bit Yun."

"Don't call me Yun please."

"Huh? okay then..."

'But doesn't Xingqiu call him that?'

The door opens and we are greeted by a pleasantly surprised Xiangling.

"Hu Tao! Chongyun! Please, please come in!" She says, hurrying us inside.

As we enter she quickly sits us down, and rushes to her kitchen.

Chongyun and I both sit in silence, as we listened to the clattering sounds of Xiangling doing what she usually does.

She soon comes rushing out with two beautiful dishes.

"Oh, such pretty dishes." I praise Xiangling for her outstanding work.

"Hehe, thank you, go on ahead and eat up!" She thanks me. "So what brings you to here Hu Tao? And with Chongyun too."

She sets down our plates and sits to join us.

"Oh its nothing~" I extend my words looking over to Chongyun. "I just caught Chongyun over here trying to get away with a lie, I was wondering if you could help."

"A lie. From you Chongyun?" She looks over to him, her hanging slightly open from shock.

'How funny'

Even Xiangling thinks its impossible.

Chongyun looks away, staring at the wall closest to him, refusing to take part of the conversation.

"What is this dish?" He asks Xiangling, as he simply points at the plate infront of him. His eyes still glued to the wall.

"Oh, it's just a small dish from Mondstadt."

She exclaimed, excited to explain her newly found dish.

"I was out with Traveler to help with some commissions they had! We ended up getting pretty beat up, so we stopped for a snack. Traveler made this dish fir us, and even though I've been to Mondstadt a couple of times, I've never seen it before. So I had to try it out!"

Chongyun looks at his dish cautiously, then looks over to Xiangling.

"Hehe, no worries. No spice, and no suprise. I wanted to Master the dish before experimenting." She waves her hands dismissing any worries Chongyun might of had.

"Ah, I see. From Mondstadt, huh." He says quietly, eyes focused on the dish.

"Oho, speaking of Mondstadt, isn't that where Xingqiu is? I heard something about it from that encyclopedia, Zhongli. He seems to know everything." I quickly bring up, as it suddenly come to mind while eating the delicious dish made by Xiangling.

"Hmm?" I hum, while eating a mouth full.

The room fell silent, a small tension seemed to form between Xiangling and Chongyun.

Which suddenly reminded me why we came here in the first place.

The food got me distracted.

"So, is this a 'i love Xingqiu' rivalry thing between you two?"
I wave my chopsticks, pointing at them both. With this tension, I'm curious... "Who knew Xingqiu was so popular."

"Hu Tao that's not-" I hear Xiangling try to speak before Chongyun interrupts her with a tone you dont hear from him often.

"Wait, Xiangling. You like Xingqiu!?" He stands up from his chair, his face wearing an expression of shock along with a mixture of conflicting emotions, which seemed to be the real Chongyun.

"Hehe, did I say something I wasn't suppose to? Woops~"

Xiangling sighs. "No I dont like him Chongyun. Hu Tao's just being Hu Tao."

I laugh as she looks me dead in the eyes with a stern expression.

"Well with the tension just after the brief mention of Xingqiu, it would just be odd to assume otherwise." I shrug.

"Plus I only mentioned that to see your guys reactions!" I happily exclaim. "And you didn't disappoint!"

I place my elbows on to the table, and put my hands together. I deepen my voice for a more serious effect, as I look over to the biggest person of interest with a wide smile. "The most interesting one was you, Chongyun."

Intrigued my his reaction I continue to ask. "So do you like Xingqiu, Chongyun?"

He looks at me, his eyes wide, but he seemes to be lost in his thoughts. I'm not even sure if he heard my question.

Xiangling gets up, grabbing my empty dish before heading to the kitchen.

"He wont awnser that question. It would cause 'problems' he says." Xiangling sighs and leaves the room.

"Oh, what a shame. Here I was thinking that was what you were hiding behind your lie." I give a small pout, resting my head on my hand.

A little disappointed, not going to lie.

"I- I think, I do."

"What!" I see Xiangling quickly run back into the room, my empty dish, still in her hand.

"Oho~ I see." my interests peeked, once again.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now