A Distance

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"Here you go Chongyun!" Paimon announces proudly, hands on both hips.

I look to Traveler as they hand me a folded paper.

"No need to thank us for our amazing helping out skills, hehehe." Paimon nods, while I take hold of the paper and unfold it.

"It's a place near Bubu Pharmacy, we happened across it last Lantern Rite and thought it would work out for you." Traveler says. "You can see the lanterns, release your own, have a nice view, and there's usually no one around."

I look at the area marked on the paper, it was just barely out of Liyue, a bridge, its scenery was nice and with a waterfall running from behind.

I look back to Traveler. "Thank you, I appreciate it Traveler."

"Do you have anything you need help with?" I ask Traveler and Paimon. "I would like to help out as a thank you." It would be best if Xingqiu had the chance to catch up with his friends from Mondstadt, without me around anyways.

"Well we do have some leftover commissions to complete." Paimon says, putting her hand up to her chin.

"You mean I do Paimon, you're just our emergency food in case we run out." Traveler says back to Paimon.

"How many times do I need to say it, I'm your moral support! I will not be your emergency food!" Paimon shouts.

Traveler laughs and welcomes me in joining them for the day.

The three of us head off.

I'm sure Xingqiu is having fun with those two, there would be no need for me to impose.


"Xingqiu, are you okay? You seem a little off." Bennett asks me.

"I'm, okay, just a little tired." I respond.

It was odd to see Chongyun have plans with someone, we never really made plans. I just usually ended bring Chongyun along if he said he had nothing to do for the day.

'What did Traveler and Chongyun have to do together?'

"Oh, You should look in the bag,  to make sure you both like it." I continue, distracting myself from my thoughts.

I had bought Bennett and Razor a set of matching charms. I thought it would be a nice gift for the both of them. A part of them reminded me of the matching tassels me and Chongyun own, but of course ours, is just for our friendship.

"Oh wow." Bennett let out gasp. "Xingqiu, you didn't need to get us something like this."

"Very, nice." Razor peeks over Bennett's shoulder.

"Ah! R-razor, not so close." Bennett shouts, his face red once again.

"Here." He shyly hands a charm over to Razor. "Xingqiu gave me one too, so we could match, and this one can be yours. Unless you want the other one."

They were simple charms, small bracelets. One had purple string intertwined with itself, holding a red bead in the center; and the other, red with a purple bead to match. The design itself was simple, but the ore used to craft the beads, was genuine, and the way the bracelets had been threaded, was beautiful.

The two put on the charms.

"Thank you, Book. The charms are very nice. I like matching with Bennett." Razor grabs Bennett's hand raising both there arms and smiles, showing off the two charms.

"Y-yeah." Bennett says, hiding his blush the best he can.

I laugh l seeing to two interact, a part of it hurts, but I'm happy to see them like this too.

"Let me take you two around Lyiue! And I'll arrange you guys a place to stay." I gently nudge the two over to a couple of booths, looking out for Chongyun. No where to be found.

'What did him and Traveler have to do?'

I shake away the thought once again

'Its none of your business.'
'you already gave up, remember Xingqiu.'


The two continued to part ways throughout the first week of the festival.

Chongyun would leave the group early, to hang out with Traveler or take part in extra training with his claymore and skills in thaumaturgy. All while struggling to find a way in asking Xingqiu to join him for the festival, without ruining Xingqiu's time with his visiting friends. He seemed happier with them after all, which lead to feels of doubt over the week for Chongyun and his plans.

'No, stop it. You're going to do what you promised. Because you promised.'

He told himself constantly, pushing back his feelings, focusing on what he needed to do.

Xingqiu continued to lead Razor, and Bennett all around Lyiue. They ventured out in the morning, and enjoyed the festival in the evening.

As the week went on Xingqiu began to feel better about his feelings towards Chongyun, believing he could soon come to terms with how things are.

Dispite Chongyun's recent business, Xingqiu looks forward to spending this years Lantern Rite with them.

'Bennett, Razor, and Chongyun. With all, of my dear friends.'

He smiled looking forward to the day.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now