I Dont Understand

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Its been two weeks since Xingqiu left for his trip to Mondstadt, just two more and he should be heading back here to Liyue.

It was a shame that he only had the chance to tell me only when he was leaving.

'If I had known sooner, I could of given him a gift to part off with.'

Today I find myself with nothing to do. Usually, I would be dragged off to the Wanmin Restaurant by Xingqiu at this time.

'What's he doing right now?' I wonder.

"Chongyun! Welcome, I have a seat for you."

I feel someone grab my arm pulling me along, and quickly taking me away from my thoughts.

"Ah, Xiangling." I look to see her dragging me into the Wanmin Restaurant.

I hadn't even realized I had was here.

Xiangling sits me down and immediately asks for an order. "So what would you like today Chongyun?"

"I'm not here to eat Xiangling, I just happened to have some free time." I tell simply tell Xiangling I just decided to drop by, even though I'm not to sure why i even came here myself.

Xiangling sits down with me and we decide to talk for a while.

"Where is Xingqiu? At this time he'd usually be trying to have you eat peppers or something..." she trails off but soon begins to speak as she gives a loud gasp. "Did you and Xingqiu break up!?"

"Xiangling!" I feel my ears burn red, as I tell her to keep her voice down.

I try to cover my ears, not sure if the redness was noticeable or not.

"Me and Xingqiu aren't... you know." I manage to calming say without stuttering.

She calms down and places her head onto her hand looking at me with a light giggle.

"But you know he does like you right? He wouldn't joke with you like that if he didn't mean it."

I take a moment to think about her question. I'm mean sure I like Xingqiu but I dont like him like that, right? Wouldn't that be a problem if I were to like him anyways? Because of my yang spirit, right?

I always play his words off as a joke, but it's for the best.

Besides, I dont like him like that.

'Yeah... I- I don't.'

Xiangling has enough of my silence, she sighs and continues to speak. "Whether you like Xingqiu or not, all he really wants is an answer."

I look out the nearby window, not wanting to listen to what xianling was saying.

The sky was darkening, with lanterns slowly beginning to emit their warm glow, lighting buildings and vendors outside.

It had grown late.

"Xingqiu is in Mondstadt, he should be gone for another two weeks or so. I intended to tell you sooner but I guess it slipped mind." I stand up and make my way towards the the door of Wanmin Restaurant, right when Xiangling pulls my hood, keeping me from leaving.

"Its getting late Xiangling, I should head home." I tell her, refusing to look to back.

"Chongyun." She says. "You know avoiding Xingqiu's is just going to hurt him, do you want to keep ignoring him like this, Chongyun?"

I move her hand away from my hood.

"I just dont want any problems. For him, or me." I mutter under my breath, barely loud enough for her to hear.

As I stand under the door way of the restaurant, Xiangling stops me one last time.

"I don't understand what you mean Chongyun, But this isn't okay."

She pauses as she takes a breath and sighs.

"He's your bestfriend Chongyun. Please."

I walk out of Wanmin, with no response.

not sure exactly what I meant either.

'What did I mean?'

'What problems did I mean?'

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now