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My current life in Mondstadt is a rather calm one.

I wake up, get dressed, eat a nice breakfast; provided by the Goth Grand Hotel, and make my way to the knights.

Once I arrive, I meet with Mister Albedo and we begin our work. Once noon arrives, I begin my tutoring sessions with Razor; which I would call more like "hanging out with Razor" Lisa said she wanted our sessions to seem casual compared to the more strictly educational environment Razor was mostly in during his mornings.

This has been my schedule for the past weeks involving my stay here.

"Book, need help, this word is hard. I cannot read."

"Huh? Here, let me see that Razor."

He hands me the book, pointing to the letters on the page.

"Oh, you see these two letters?"

I point to them.

"Hm." He nods.

"Well you pronounce them like this... and the word as a whole is said like..."

"Thank you. Much help." He grabs the book and quickly goes back to skiming pages and reading what words he can.

Most of my time of with Razor is like this. We sit in his room, reading books, with him asking about the pronunciation or meaning of a word every so often, or I would help Razor find words to form sentences he would like to say.

I look out the window beside Razors bed. It was a rather nice outside.

Perhaps Razor and I could step out side for today?

For the past two weeks we've only stayed within Razor's room.

I put my book down and speak to Razor. "How about we take our reading outside today Razor? The weather seems rather nice, perfect weather for reading under a tree."

He looks out the window, debatingthe idea. He seems to like the idea but quickly looks away from the nice scenery, forcing his focus back to his book.

"No." He says. "In here is better. I do not want to. He- nothing."

He trails of with, Razor sounding a little sad.

"Are you okay Razor?" Thinking about it now, I dont believe I've ever seen Razor outside of the Knights of Favonius building.

He had come from Wolfvendom right? I've heard from Klee, a younger child staying here with the knights, talk about all the adventures they've had before.

He seemed to love the outside, why would he want to stay within the Favonius walls now?

"I am... fine. Just do not wish too."

He buries his face farther into the book. At this point, I doubt he's even reading it.

I drop the idea and sigh in defeat.

Was there something he didn't like outside?

What could it be?

I look out the window to check. All I could see was the people of Mondstadt walking by, going about the day as usual.

I catch a glimpse of a boy with light blond hair, walking with another, their hair seemed to be a shade darker, put up in pigtails.

It was hard to tell their faces from the distance, and being on the second story of the Favonius building didn't help either.

Though one,reminded me of the boy I ran into my first day, Bennett.

Ever since I had met Bennett, and offered what I suppose could be considered advise, I've started to believe that maybe I should give up on my feelings for Yun. Though, I haven't made my decision yet.

'If only he would awnser.'

That's all I really want from Yun, but an awnser has never been given, and may never will.

"Book" I hear Razor call out to me, distracting me from the internal debate regarding my feelings.

"I want to write like this." Razor points to the cover of another book he had picked up.

"Teach me." He says, his looks me dead in the eyes, serious.

"Um... sure we'll give it a shot."

We take out some paper and pen and I attempt to begin Razor first lesson in calligraphy. But to much fail I had seemingly ended up being the student, and Razor, the tutor.

"Line too messy."

"Write slower. Slower helps. "

"I can not read, say word?"

"I-it's 'book' that's what you call me Razor. You can read the word 'book' you've read it before. "

"Oh... writing bad. I cannot tell."

"Razor... my handwriting isn't that bad. you're joking, right?"

Apparently, my handwriting truely was, that bad.

I wish I could say it was a helpful lesson in aiding my writing, but in the end of it all, the only thing Razor had to say was "Your writing, I cant read. Sorry."


And that had been the end of our first and last calligraphy lesson.

I picked up our papers placing them a top the drawer then placing the books Razor had been reading, over them.

"I think that's enough of tutoring for a day, dont you think Razor?"

He nods.

I grab my books and leave Razor's room, stoping at the door frame.

"I'll be going now, see you for tomorrow's lessons." I tell him bye, as I look out the window of his room once more.

The sky was dark, lanterns from the homes outside emitting a warm glow which seeped into the sky.

"Bye Razor."

I leave the Favonius building and head off, back to the hotel.

The streets were quiet, quite different from how Lyiue would be at this time.

'A true moment of solitude.'

I let a soft smile show, as I feel a cool night breeze blow through my hair, with the soft tune of a lyre, playing from afar.

I begin to take my mind from Liyue.

After all, I am here in Mondstadt. So why not enjoy my trip, and everything it has to offer?

I think back to Razor.

'I can't believe my handwriting really is that bad.'

I laugh to myself, Happy to have friend like Razor during my stay here.

I walk back to the hotel, beginning to look forward to getting to know more of the residents of Mondstadt.

Enjoying my stay here in Mondstadt, a little bit more.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now