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"I cant wait for the lantern to be released! Can you Razor!" Bennett stretched his arms out towards the lantern, dedicated to the adepti who had protected Lyiue in the past.

I hear Razor grunt as he nods his head.

"I'm sure it's going to look great." Bennett says once again.

I look to Xingqiu as he gazes at the lantern.

"Hey, Xingqiu." I tap his shoulder.
He looks to me. "I was wondering if we could release lanterns. Y-you know..."

I try to form my last words, but I struggle keeping myself calm.

"Hm, sure! It's a great Idea." Xingqiu says with a smile.

"R-really?" I feel my heart beginning to poud.

The feeling soon fades once he turns to Bennett... whispering, again.

"Let's all release lanterns during the the big release!" Xingqiu clapped his hands together.

'That again'

I try my best to ask Xingqiu throughout our time walking through the festival, finding it hard to focus. With this being the second and final week of the festival, this makes it the busiest and Loudest. The worst it could be for me.

But I told myself i would make sure i would ask.

I attempt several times trying to ask Xingqiu again, but continue to fail.

I'm really starting to feel tired.

"Could I attend the Lantern Rite together with you all?" I force out my words with out thinking, hoping to finally ask him properly.

"Huh?" Xingqiu looked at me confused.


"But, Chongyun? Aren't we already?"


I said it wrong.

"Oh... hahaha, yeah..." I laugh, from my failure.

Feeling defeated, I dont think I could even make myself try again.

I suddenly begin to feel sick from the world around me.

'I ruined it myself'

"Chongyun?" Xingqiu put his hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay? You seem... sick."

I've definitely gone over my limit today. I messed up asking Xingqiu, I'm completely out of what I'm used to, and I've been trying so hard to- to...

I reach for a popsicle, none.

"I'm fine Xingqiu." I struggle to find my words, feeling dizzy. "I'll just head back for now, the environment is just a little much for me." I dismiss him, telling him to continue hanging out with Bennett and Razor.

'He seems happier with them anyways- wait no. Stop.'

"Okay, be careful Chongyun." He let's go of my shoulder, telling Bennett and Razor I'll be heading home for they day. Both waving bye as I walk away, weakly waving back.

I stop by the Wanmin Restaurant, hoping they might be able to provide me something in order to calm myself down, or even just rest for a while.

"Chongyun!" I hear Xiangling shout as I stumble in.

She lifts me up a bit, helping me stand better.

"You're burning! Where are your popsicles!?" She sits me down away from other customers, and as best she could from the festival itself.

"Gone." I place my head onto the table.

I close my eyes, trying to regain control of my self once again.

"But those were supposed to last you the same amount as usual, I dont know if I have any ingredients prepared for your popsicles." I hear her scrambling around, looking for a way to help me out.

"I've been busy... I guess."

"Oh, Chongyun..." I hear her groan. "I understand that you're trying your best with Xingqiu and all but dont over work yourself especially right now!"

"Wait you-" I instantly sit up, but sit down onece again, being hit with a dizzying headache.

"Xiangling I'm here for that custom order." We both hear a man call out.

"Coming! One moment Chongyun!" She grabs two plates, placing one beside me, wrapping and handing the man the other.

She continues to speak to the man.

I look at the dish and see it was the same I had eaten at Xiangling's before.

The dish from Mondstadt.

'Everything just seems to be about Mondstadt huh?' I stare at the dish and groan.

I take a bit of the dish and feel that its cool enough for me to eat. I take a bite and feel a cooling cooling taste wash over my mouth.

'Xiangling really did do some modifications to it this time.'

It had almost tasted completely different than it had before.

Sudently. the taste changes.

The cooling taste soon turned into a burning spice, the coolness from before only making the heat worse.

"Have a great Lantern Rite!" I hear Xiangling say, waving the man goodbye.

She returns to our conversation. "But, Chongyun, you told both me and Hu Tao that-"

"Xiangling." I manage to cough her name, my throat burning.

"Chongyun?" She looks at my plate and gasps loudly.

"OH NO! CHONGYUN I-" she frantically looks around before I hear her run back to the counter calling for the man she just had said bye to.

I begin to stand up, dispite all the coughing and heat from the food, I begin to feel... fine?

"Xiangling, i- I think I'm feeling a little better." I manage to say before I slowly begin to see the area around me fade to black.


Xiangling calls out...


last time.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now