A Trip to Mond

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The other day, I was told that my request to work with Albedo, the Chief Alchemist of The knights of Favonius, had been accepted.

Which of course, means I would have yo travel to Mondstadt. But not only would I be working with Albedo, I was also requested to become a tutor for a person the knights had taken in.

I haven't been able to inform Chongyun or Xiangling about my trip, since I will be staying longer than i have before, I've needed to prepare more.

I'll be departing shortly so i had gone over to Chongyun's place to inform him.

"Chongyun!" I shout for him to come out.

Soon, I see Chongyun, his eyes tiered and his hair was styled in a attempted version of his usual look. "Good morning yun!"

He looks at me exhausted. "Xingqiu, its early. What is it?"

The sun had only barely begun to rise, so it was indeed very early.

"I came to inform you that I'll be departing on a trip today. I won't be returning to Liyue for a while." I continue to inform him. "I'll be heading off to Mondstadt for a project of mine, but I'll be working as a tutor as well. Because I'll be working more than what was originally planned, my stay there will be longer than usual."

Chongyun seems to wake up a bit more after hearing my words.

"But you're leaving now Xingqiu? How long will you be gone?"

His sudden curiosity and shocked tone suprises me. It's most likely due to his drowsiness, waking up at this hour.

But dispite that, his words leave me flattered. A small feeling of butterflies in my stomach.

"Around a month." I awnser him. "That's how long I should be staying in Mondstadt."

"A month." He pauses. "You're leaving now?"

"Yes, I won't have time to tell Xiangling, so I would appreciate it if you could tell her for me. Okay, Yun?"

"Hmm." Chongyun gives a lazy response.

He's clearly very tired, so I choose not to bother him anymore and quickly make my leave.

"See ya' Chongyun! I be sure to see you first when I come back."
I wave to him, quickly leaving.

As I walk away, I hear him mutter  something along the lines of "dont be too long." And "I'll miss you."

But of course, that might of just been my mind; making simple mumbles into things I wish to hear.

"We must go now, Master Xingqiu. Are you ready?" A kind, elder gentleman had asked me.

I give him a smile and tell him. "Yes I am, thank you."

I look back as I'm leaving Liyue...

and off to Mondstadt.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now