Covering Up

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I wake up to the sunlight hitting my eyes. I had stayed up reading a book in the Favonius Library, waiting for Razor to return.

"Oh, good morning sleepy." I heard Lisa sing, the tapping of her heels echoing throughout the Library.

"Morning Miss. Lisa, I apologize for falling asleep." I sit up, tidying my clothes and hair.

My book was set on the side with a purple book mark placed neatly inside.

"Thank you Miss. Lisa, I apologize once again."

"No need darling, you looked so peaceful. I would never be able to bring myself to wake up a cutie like you." She places some books on the table, my guess is she was on her way cleaning up stray books left by past visitors.

"You were waiting for Razor right? He still has yet to return. I do hope he's okay." She turns to the window, resting her cheek on her hand. "I'll have to go tell Jean."

Razor isn't the type to not return without reason, I'm sure he's fine, but the knights would still be worried.

"I was waiting for Razor, he had stepped out to talk to a friend, but he went out... to help... him...instead" I quickly put together.

Razor wanted to make a poem, so we stayed in the library. A friend of mine, Bennett, had entered wanting to talk to Razor for a bit.

Razor stepped outside, but never returned.

"I see..." Lisa says slowly with suspicion. "Well, whatever help it would of been, that cutie Razor should be back by now."

"No I'm sure Razor is-" I speak, but am quickly cut off by a voice from above the library.

"What about Razor?"

Both me and Lisa turn to see the Spark Knight of the Knights of Favonius, out of her usual solidarity confinement.

"Oh hi there Klee. Out once again I see, try not to give Jean too much trouble, okay?" Lisa's worried look softens as Klee walks down and joins us in in the lower part of the library.

"I promise I wont for today." Klee says, her hands behind her as she innocently sways side-to-side in her usual manner.

Though I haven't seen Klee much, she's an honest kid, and can be a quite the trouble. But she's a good kid.

She turned to me. "What is it about Razor? Is it about his friend?" Klee asked.

'She knew Bennett was here?'
I hace an internal sigh of relief. Im glad Klee saw the two, it gives my story some credibility.

"Oh." Lisa looked to Klee. "So he was with a friend. Who was it Klee?"

"It was Bennett! They were talking." Klee shouts happily. "He came in asking where Razor was, so I told him."

"So that's how he knew." I look to Klee.

"Yep!" Klee gives a big smile to both me and Lisa.

"I went outside to talk to them, to see if we could play but Bennett fell and Razor left to help him."
Klee finished her explanation and then proceeded to tell the both of us the rest of her day about blowing up fish in Starfell Lake.
"I got lots of cool fishies! Hey mister Xingqiu." Klee lightly tugs on my sleeve, jumping with excitement. "You should join me, you'll be leaving soon. So come and join me!"


Both Klee and I jump as we begin to hear electrical shocks, followed by a purple light.

"I thought we agreed..."

"No trouble for Master Jean."

They say together. Clearly they've agreed on this multiple times. Klee looks down and let's go of my sleeve.

"But it's no trouble if Jean doesn't know." She quickly suggests, as a quick attempt to get out of trouble.

Unfortunately that had the opposite effect for Klee.

"Klee, go to Jean's office right now." Lisa crosses her arms, her face, scarier than anyone could imagine. The room was filled with an horrifying electric atmosphere. "You know that's wrong Klee."

All three of us stand in silence. Me and Klee, both terrified of the librarian that stood infront of us.

Klee manages to speak up and apologize. "I'm sorry Miss. Lisa."

Klee walks out of the room, sulking, With all of us knowing, exactly where she'll be for the next month. Solitary confinement, once again.

Lisa huffs, the atmosphere returning to normal once again.
"Well, Klee's back to confinement, and I guess Razor is safe."

I'm a surprised that my story ended up being true. Thanks to Klee being a witness, Lisa no longer has to worry. But I seems like Klee sacrificed her freedom in the process.

'Thank you Klee, I promise to make it up to you.'

"You'll be heading off today wont you?" Lisa turns to ask me.

"Ah, yes. I should return to the hotel and pack my things." I walk around the table and grab my book. "It would be best if I could leave around the evening."

"Please do return to the knights, before you do. We would all love to see you off." Lisa waves goodbye as I walk up the stairs, leaving the library.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now