A Sudden Call

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I feel the warmth of the sun fall against my face, waking me from my nap.

"Ah, Xingqiu." I here Chongyun call out my name.

With my sight blurry from morning drowsiness, I see Chongyun sitting infront of me.

As I move to get up, I feel a piece of cloth slide to my side. I look to see Chongyun again, and I notice he wasn't wearing his usual hood. I look at the cloth that had been covering me.

"Chongyun, why did you-"

"It was cold last night, I know it's not much, but I wanted you to stay warm." He tells me with his usual cold, unreadable expression.

I grab his hood and hand it back to him "you know, this is exactly why I like you so much. You're so kind and caring Chongyun."

"I just didn't want you to freeze, I'm at least used to the cold."

I sigh "okay okay. But we should get going now, we can eat something once we get back."


We leave the ruins, avoiding any possible enemies we see, heading back to Liyue.

And through out our trip back, I made sure to let Chongyun know how frustrated I was for him not waking me up when it was my turn to watch.

I had joined him so he could get some rest, since he does things like this all the time. but I failed make sure of that in the end.

Once we reached the gate of Liyue I heard a lady call out my name.

"Master Xingqiu! I'm glad you've returned safely."

"Ah yes, I am fine. But what brings you out to see me?" I ask.

The kind lady was apart of the Commerce Guild, who was asked to seek me out, since never informed them of my trip with Chongyun.

Apparently, news had arrived from Mondstadt, that I needed to see to.

I look over to Chongyun, we had made plans during our trip to search for some more possible places to explore, after heading to Xiangling's restaurant. Now, it seems like we wont be able too.

"Sorry Chongyun, looks like I have some matters to attend to."

I walk up to him with a smile and decide to give it one last shot before I go.

"Since our plans are ruined, could take you on a date later? It'll all be my treat."

"I'll be off then, thank you for accompanying me, Xingqiu. The guild is more important than our plans anyways." Chongyun waves goodbye, as he enters Liyue, ignoring my question.

'No then.'

I sigh, saddened by his lack of response.

I turn to the lady, giving a kind smile.

"Shall we continue then?"

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now