A Late Night

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It had gotten late, yet no of an out-of-control Chongyun anywhere.

After having him run I quickly rushed, trying to fix the order I had ruined, hoping to find him before he could cause any trouble. But before I knew it, It became later than I thought.

"Chongyun!" I resort to shouting after still no sign.


"Xiangling?" I turn to see Xingqiu, carrying Chongyun on his back.

"You found him!" I sigh in relief.

"Yeah... but he more or less found me." Xingqiu laughed.

"I'm so sorry Xingqiu, Chongyun didn't cause too much trouble did he? It was my fault I mixed up two of my dishes and... you know." I apologized Xingqiu.

He tried his best to dismiss me, waving his hands, while trying to keep a hold of Chongyun.

"No no no no, he just... passed out when he found me, so Its perfectly fine." Xingqiu smiled.

I take a look at Chongyun, he seemed... sad. In a way I couldn't explain.

'What happened?'

"Was he already like that when he found you?" I point to Chongyun's face, brushing his hanging bangs out of the way.


Xingqiu stepped back.

"No, he wasn't. He might be having a bad dream, that's all." Xingqiu says. "I was just taking Chongyun home. He... seems to have a fever too. So I hope he'll be okay tomorrow. "

Xingqiu begins to walk away "I'll see you later Xiangling. It's late, you should get some rest too." He laughs and looks back to me, wavingthe best he can goodbye.

"With this whole incident im sure Chongyun isn't the only one tired and confused. Uh, sleep well Xiangling."

"You too, Xingqiu. Night."

I watch him walk off with Chongyun.

"Why did it sound like he was referring to himself?"

'If nothing happened then, it should be fine, right?'

'It should be...'

I head back to the restaurant, serving the last of my customers, before closing up and head home for some rest.

I'll prepare some food in the morning to apologize to Chongyun, it had been my fault after all.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now