Extra - After Some Time

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It was a quiet night in Lyiue, Xingqiu and Chongyun were sitting at Wanwen Bookhouse.

Chongyun, was definitely more than ready to leave, since they've spent quite some time there.

"Xingqiu, its late." He says, slightly  tilting the book in Xingqiu's hands down, for Xingqiu to look at him.

Xingqiu closes the book and sighs. "Fine then Yun-Yun, I suppose we should be on our way."

"Yun-Yun?" Chongyun cringed. "You, don't need to say that Xingqiu."

Xingqiu laughed. "Why not yun-Yun? Its nice."

"I think one Yun is enough." Chongyun says, rolling his eyes as they walk down the steps from Wanwen Bookhouse.

"My feelings, Chongyun." Xingqiu says, pouting. "Do you not care for them?"

Chongyun looks at him before pulling out a popsicle. "You know that's not true." He cracks a small smile.

Xingqiu's instantly reverts back to his usual self. "Then you should make it up, Yun." He smiled. "Let's  go on a date to Wanmin, shall we?"

Chongyun stops walking to look at Xingqiu.

"Is that why I was dragged out, Xingqiu?" He sighed.

Xingqiu simply shrugs his shoulders, a wide smile across his face. "A true mystery."

Chongyun sighs. "We can head to Wanmin, but I wont be calling it a date." He bluntly says before taking a bite of his popsicle.

Xingqiu was unamused and sighed in defeat. "Fine then, Yun. No fun." He mutters.

The two arrive at Wanmin with Xiangling to greet them.

"Hello, welcome you two!"

"Greetings Xiangling." Xingqiu says.

They sit down and order their food, chatting with Xiangling.

"So are you two here for things more than just food?" Xiangling asks.

Xingqiu sighs leaning on his hand. "Nope." He says looking to Chongyun. "Yet he was the one with such bold words."

Chongyun remained silent, clearly trying to focus oh his food than Xiangling and Xingqiu's conversation.

"Its been weeks you two." Xiangling laughs. "You should be together by now. Don't you think Gouba?" She turns to her companion, who had been watching the flame of the stove. They nod but quickly go back to watching the flame.

"See." Xiangling laughs. "Gouba agrees too."

Xingqiu and Chongyun soon finish their food, before setting off.

They reach the point where they now have to part ways.

"I'll see you tomorrow, okay Chongyun?" Xingqiu waves goodbye, beginning to walk away.

"Wait Xingqiu." Chongyun stops him. "Let me, walk you home."

"Huh?" Xingqiu looks back to Chongyun. "Okay then Chongyun, an honor for you to join me." He smiles.

Once they begin to near Xingqiu's home, Chongyun stops him once again.

"I'll stop right here."

"Why?" Xingqiu asked.

Chongyun looks away for a second before turning back to Xingqiu. "Just, close your eyes for a second. Please, Xingqiu. "

"...okay then." Xingqiu says, closing his eyes.

Seconds pass and Xingqiu remained unsure, and decided to ask. "Yun, why do you want-"

He stops as he feels Chongyun put his hand on Xingqiu's face, kissing the side of his cheek.

"Now I'd like to call it our date." Chongyun whispered into his ear.

Xingqiu opens his eyes, his face flushed red along with Chongyun's.

The two stood in an awkward silence before Chongyun spoke once again. "N-night, Xingqiu."

Chongyun waved goodbye before turning around to head home.

Xingqiu gathered his racing thoughts as Chongyun left, shouting him farewell. "Goodnight Chongyun! Let's go out again tomorrow!"

Chongyun stopped and quickly turned. "Xingqiu!" His face brighter than ever.

'He could've just called it a date from the beginning.'

Xingqiu laughed and continued to wave Chongyun goodbye as he resumed his walk home.

The two headed home, both flushed a bright red, and smiles across their face.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now