A Mix Up

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"Order done!" I say as I finish up a dish I had been working on, placing it on the counter, next to some of its past attempts. I get ready to wrap it up but I soon see a customer walk in.

"Chongyun!" I shout as I see Chongyun walk in, seeming as if he could barely stand.

I rush over to help Chongyun leaving the dish behind.

"You're burning!" I say, sitting him down the farthest I can from everything. "Where are your popsicles!?" I ask, he had just received his usual order a couple of days ago.

"Gone." He responds, head on the table .

'How could they just be gone!'

I look through all of my ingredients, seeing if there was something I could quickly make as a substitute for Chongyun.

"But those were supposed to last you the same amount as usual, I dont know if I have any ingredients prepared for your popsicles." I say, and from the looks of it, I dont.

"I've been busy... I guess." He says slowly.

"Oh, Chongyun..." I groan.

'I was right. Nothing.'

"I understand that you're trying your best with Xingqiu and all but dont over work yourself especially right now!"

It's the Lantern Rite, and the busiest part of it.

"Wait you-" I hear him speak, cutting himself off.

"Xiangling, I'm here for that custom order." I hear a man from the counter shout.

"Coming! One moment Chongyun!" I go to wrap up the dish I had prepared.

The dish was the Mondstadt dish I had been experimenting with. I wanted to give the dish a Lyiue twist and one of my own! Through one of my trials I had Forgotten to add the spices, dispite them being vital to the dish's flavor, with how busy the restaurant has been.

'That could work.' I think as I finish wrapping the dish, I grab the one I had Forgotten the spice on and hand it to Chongyun.

"Here you go sir!"

"Thank you Xiangling, I look forward to tasting whatever unique twist you put too it!"

"Hehehe." I giggle, glad to see them excited to test it out. "I think you'll find it to be a cool refreshing new kick!"

I laugh to myself over my words, it was a challenge finding a way to mix in something from cool to extraordinarily spicy, its a great food twist in my opinion.

"Have a great Lantern Rite!" I wave to the man as he walks off with his dish.

I turn to Chongyun, to continue our conversation "but, Chongyun, you told both me and Hu Tao that-"

"Xiangling." He coughed, his face flushed red.


"Chongyun?" I look at his dish, and back to him.

"OH NO! CHONGYUN I-" I shout as it hits me.

'I mixed up the dishes!'

I frantically look around to see what I can do.

I quickly run out of the restaurant, calling the man I served before over.

"Xiangling..." I here Chongyun call.

I walk back in to see Chongyun standing weakly.

"i- I think I'm feeling..."

I see him beginning to fall forwards, i rush over to catch him, not paying any mind to what he was planning to say.

"CHONGYUN!" I shout, catching him before he hits the ground.

"Xiangling, what wrong?" The man asks.

"Uh, its nothing I had just mixed up your order." I quickly jump up. "I'm sorry for the delay, let me fix you up something fresh!"

"Ah, alright then. No worries Xiangling, it's the Lantern Rite and you are pretty busy." The man laughs. I lagh with him nervously keeping an eye on Chongyun.

The man leaves, saying he can wait and will return to pick up the correct order soon.

"Xiangling..." I see Chongyun stand up, but his posture and tone are different from before.

"I'm going to find Xingqiu." His face was down, and his tone seemed flat.

Chongyun began to step towards the door.

"Wait Chongyun you can't!" I try stopping him, standing in his way, but he simply pushes me aside.

"C-Chongyun, you're not well right now! You need to-"

"I need to see Xingqiu." He demanded, cutting me off.

I freeze, not know what to say, stunned from his tone.

He didn't sound like Chongyun at all...

He quickly rushes out the door.

I stand in place as I listen to his running footsteps, fade.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now