Getting To Know

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"Razor, be careful. Slow bites!" Bennett scolds Razor.

Razor, with his mouth still stuffed with food says. "Meat Is verwy wood" nodding over to Xiangling, ignoring Bennett.

"Raaazooor!" Bennett complains once more.

"Hehe, no need to rush so much." Xiangling laughs setting down another plate of Cured Pork Dried Hotpot.

You could tell how suprise Xiangling was over how much Razor had eaten, and was currently eating. I was too, I dont tend to eat much, but Razor seemed to eat tons.

That didn't exclude Bennett either, he seemed to have a bit of an appetite as well.

The two of them seemed happy, and got along well.

Bennett would go off rambling about adventures he and Razor have been on, telling me about some of their other friends too.

"We were stuck for almost an entire day! If Traveler hadn't come to save us, who knows how long we would of stayed in there."

The current story Bennett was telling was how he and Razor had met.

"Not fun." Razor added in.

"Well it was fun being able to talk to you, and you were able to help me on my poem too." Bennett laughs, nudging Razor.

Razor nods with a wide smile.

The two were great people, it was easy to get along with them.

I was always worried that I would interrupt Xingqiu's time with them, that I never got the chance to get to know them. They were, nice.

I feel bad for the Ill feelings I had somewhat grown towards Bennett, I was just being stupid.

"I should apologize to the two of you." I look down to my own plate, which was still mostly full.

"Huh, apologize? What for." The two of them look at me.

"I never took the time to properly know the two of you, this is the first time we've gotten to talk to one another. I apologize for that."

Bennett smiles. "Its no problem, you were busy right?"

'Close to that'

"We're here eating together aren't we, even though Xingqiu wasn't able to join us, I'd say we were pretty lucky just to be able to meet you." Bennett finishes, still wearing his big smile.

I sit quietly for a second, thinking, about what Xingqiu had said.

"Im sure you'll like them Chongyun."

"Xingqiu was right" I lightly smile to myself. "you both are-"

"All righty!" I'm interrupted by Xiangling, bringing in another dish. "Who ordered Bamboo Shoot Soup again?" She asks walking around, right before tripping over herself.

The dish, falling out of her hands as she tries to grab hold of it once again. The dish ends up flying into the air, spilling the broth and ingredients around the restaurant, before landing directly on top of Bennett's head, dumping the rest of the remaining soup onto him and the cooked Tiger Fish he was just about to eat.

Bennett stares at his Tiger Fish, before letting out a sigh and puts it down onto his plate. "Its because I said lucky, isn't it." He says, sounding defeated.

Xiangling regains her balance. "I'm terribly sorry, two mess ups in barely two days." She grabs the bowl on Bennett's head. "I'm sorry Bennett, I'll bring you some napkins to clean up."

Though looking at Bennett, he'll need a lot more than napkins.

"Um what were you saying again Chongyun, I'm sorry." He laughs while trying his best to wipe the soup off his clothes.

"I just wanted to say that you both are great friends, I'm happy Xingqiu was able to meet you in Mondstadt, and that I was able to meet you too." I finish telling Bennett.

He stops cleaning his cloths to look at me and seems to grow a small blush on his face.

"You guys are too kind." he laughs. "But, thank you. I was hoping to hang out some more but it seems well have to head back to Xingqiu's huh."

Bennett stands looking at his still soup soaked clothes.

"Wait here are some napkins to clean yourself on the way back!" Xiangling says while handing Razor and Bennett both a handful of them.

"Uh, thanks Xiangling." Bennett smiles.

Bennett turns towards me. "Do you want to head back with us Chongyun? You were originally looking for him, right?" Bennett offers.

"Yes, I was, but..." I pause, if Xingqiu was busy he probably still was, and it probably would be best for later on. I know a way where I could reach his window, he's told me how he manages to slip away from things so easily, so I have a few paths memorized. "I'll pass." I finish.

The two leave Wanmin, heading back towards Xingqiu's place.

"Will you be heading out too Chongyun?" Xiangling asks me.

I stand up, looking her way. "Yeah, I think I will."

She gives me a smile, then turns into the kitchen, back to serving her customers.

I step outside and look up, the sky was still rather bright.

'I wont go to see Xingqiu just yet, but soon.'

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now