Another View

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I wake up to the morning rays of the rising sun hitting my cheek, I open my eyes and find the icy blue tassel still in my hands.

I get up and dress in my usual light clothes.

I end up leaving my home, not to sure where I was planning to do grab my parasol and set out.

I had trained throughout the morning. Time had passed far faster than I had thought.

I stop for the day and wonder around, with no real plan.

"Oh, Chongyun. How lovely to see you! You seem rather alive today. For you that's good, but not that great for me."

I look to see Hu Tao waving at me, wearing her usual cheeky smile.

"Hello, Hu Tao." I say lacking any tone of interest.

Hu Tao is one of the few people who manage to get on my nerves, and it isn't good for my spirit. I'm not saying I dislike her though, me and Xingqiu have hung out with Hu Tao quite a few times.

"Aiya, what's wrong Chongyun? You know I'm just talking about business. It's always a pleasure to see you." She seems to take notice of my unamused response, toning down her usual way with her jokes.

"Nothing, I'm just..." last night I told myself that I would try to figure out my feelings regarding regarding Xingqiu and his.

'Maybe Hu Tao can help?'

Of course, I would much prefer if she didn't know to much. I could get some details and bring them up with Xiangling later.

"Chongyun? Hello?" Hu Tao was waving her hand and had even begun to make faces, trying to break me away from my thoughts.

"Oh, I'm sorry." I apologize.

"It would be a shame if you died right now. Suprise funerals are never fun to deal with." She shakes her head, arms crossed.

"I just spaced out, that's all."

I decide to ask Hu Tao regarding my situation, trying to keep the truth of the situation as hidden as possible. In that attempt I disguise my issue to be one seemingly related to exorcism.

"Hu Tao, could I ask for some advice from you?"

She looks at me with a seemingly shocked expression, but returns to her usual cheerful smile.

"Why of course, no matter the problem revolves life or death." She hums in her usual tone, before quickly adding. "We all die some day, best to solve your problems before you croak, hehe."

"Ah, um." I stutter, thrown off from her words. "Thank you."

"No problem."

Hu Tao allows me to join her on her errands, and as we walk through Lyiue, I attempt to tell her my issue while covering it up as best as I could.

I'm not to bad at lying after all, at least I think.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now