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"Today was awesome! Dont you think Razor?" Bennett stretches as we all begin to enter the city of Liyue.

"Yes it was very fun... but, I am hungry. Can we stop to eat?" He looks to me.

"Again? But we already ate Bennett's cooking."

"And I didn't burn it this time!" Bennett happy added in. "Today was pretty lu-" he tries finish his sentence but me and Razor both interrupt.

"No." We tell him.

"You dont wanna end up smelling like soup again, do you?" I say somewhat jokingly.

He gives me an unamused look and grumbles on about the incident.

"We can stop somewhere if you'd like Razor." I bring us to our original topic. "What do you feel like?"

"Meat!" He proudly announces.

"...anything else?"

"Nope." he smiles wide.

"Well, there's that stall over there." I point over to a stall surround by customers.

"Too many people." Razor shakes his head.

"Hey." Bennett calls us both. "We can wait for the crowd to die down." He says. "Also, I saw something that looks pretty cool!" He leads us over to a stall selling vibrant and intricate lanterns.

Bennett excitedly goes around to each lantern admiring them all, while Razor stands, staring at the food stall we planned on going to.

"They're so pretty!" Bennett picks one up and goes to the lady selling the lanterns.

The lady tells Bennett the price and he soon puts down the lantern walks back over to me and Razor. "Too expensive..." he says, sulking.

"We can make them you know." I tell him. "Those are more for display, we can make lanterns to release at the end of the festival if you want."

"Really!?" Bennetts face lights up again, grabing my shoulders.

"yeah, we can." I nervously laugh, moving his hands.

"Hungry." Razor complains, glaring at us angerly, growling at us both.

"Okay okay." I laugh telling Razor.

I walk behind Bennett, pushing him along towards the food stall we originally planned. "Let's not ignore your love for too long shall we?"

"L-love!? Wait Xingqiu!" Bennett burns a bright red as he tries to stop me from pushing him along.

"Hello, what would y'all three like?" The kind lady tending the stall asks.

"Meat, lots of meat please." Razor eagerly asks.

The lady seemed to be a bit confused but nodded her head and turned to Bennett, I suppose she thought he could help elaborate on Razor's order. Yet Bennett had still been rambling on about what I had said.

"Is he alright?" She turns to ask me, not even bothering to talk with him.

"Yes he's fine." I kindly smile at her. "I'll have a fried radish balls and they'll get..." I trail off debating on what to get for Razor. "Do you happen to just sell meat?"
I ask her.

"Uh... well, no. But I suppose we can, as a special order if you'd like." She looks around her stall gathering some of the meat she has yet to cook.

"That will do just fine, I'll take several special orders of cooked meat." I hand her some mora as she hands over the radish balls I ordered and began to cook the meat I had ordered for both Razor and Bennett.

Once we all receive our food we begin walking once again.

"Say, Xingqiu." Bennett says, taking a bite out of his food. "You said we could make our own lanterns right? Could we try and make them once we're back at your place?"

I tell him yes and I explain to them how you make them and the material to use.

"Alright!" Bennett shouts. "I cant wait to see how they look! I'm sure mine is going to look so awesome!"

He turns to Razor, jumping excitedly.

"Well have to work on them all day tomorrow so we can release them! And I'm sure yours is going to look great too, Razor!"

'Tomorrow... right.'

Tomorrow was the last day for the Lantern Rite, and the day I'd have to decide, if I'm really ready to actually talk to Chongyun...

Tomorrow night.

'I dont think I'm anywhere near ready.'

~Authors note ~
Hello! I'm not one for notes like these but since recently I've found that my stories and acc name are being used somewhere else other than wattpad. I just want to say, dont. These are fanfics, so it's not anything completely original, but I like to share my art here, and that is my main problem.

So please, just dont. I'm here to write fun stories and share my art. Thank you!


[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now