A Warm Plate

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The three of them all sit in silence after Chongyun's statement, Xiangling's shocked reaction, and Hu Tao's happy response.

"Sooo?" Hu Tao drags on.

Chongyun had stated his feelings towards Xingqiu aloud, without realization.

"Huh?" He asks as he snaps back into reality once again.

"Aw, come on! You're NOT going to elaborate!?" Hu Tao rolls her head back and sighs, leaning back into her chair with disappointment.

"Oh, about what I said earlier, I apologize for my tone, Xiangling." Chongyun says, thinking that Hu Tao had been referring to his outburst, but still not fully aware.

Chongyun quickly finished up the rest of the food, not wanting to waste any of Xiangling's cooking. She made it for them after all.

"I'll be leaving now, thank you for letting us in Xiangling." Chongyun rushes for the door.

"Chongyun, hold up a second." He is soon quickly stopped by Hu Tao, grabbing onto the lose fabric on the back of his clothes.

"Are you heading home? I could give you something to go." Xiangling chimes in.

"Ah, I'm good." Chongyun raises his hand, politely refusing Xiangling's offer. "I have my popsicles anyway." He pulls out a popsicle and takes a quick bite, holding it in his mouth.

"Bye." He mutters before swiftly leaving.

Xiangling sighs and reaches to grab Chongyun's empty plate.

It had still been warm, too warm for Chongyun to eat.

Had he been so caught up in his thoughts that the temperature of his food had no effect on him? Or had the Chongyun that left in such a rush, been a part of the real him?

"Humph, such a shame." Hu tao crosses her arms, sulking, sinking even farther into her seat.

"Yeah..." Xiangling says softly. She feels the edge of the dishes she still held in her hands, baffled by the warmth left behind from Chongyun's plate.

"How could he run off like that!? Saying such a thing, only to leave seconds after with nothing else to say!" Hu Tao goes on, rambling over the current events of what had happened. "Where does he even get his popsicles from?"

"What?" Xiangling looks up, confused from Hu Tao's question.

"You know, he just pulls em' out of no where! I know he has his Cryo Vision and all, but he custom orders them from your restaurant, doesn't he? CUSTOM!" Hu Tao, raises her arms into the air, frustrated from the confusion.

"Well, he does but-"

"Thats not not even the real problem, how can he just bite them like that?" Hu Tao gives a small shudder, as the image crosses her mind, sending chills down her spine. "He's something else, that Chongyun." She gives a final huff.

"Hehe" Xiangling laughs. "Yeah he is. Ah, do you plan on staying a little longer? I can brew us up some tea."

"Aiya! Of course, I've been dying of thirst, and I can't pass on just yet." Hu tao sits up. "Let me help you with those plates" Hu Tao offers.

Xiangling hands her a plate, giving a small laugh as they enter the kitchen. "Thank you."

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now