Confusion And Laughter

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After spending some quite some time skimming through the pages of my books, I finally decide to set them down.

I set the book down onto my bed, as I lay and stare on at the ceiling.

I look out the window beside my bed. 'Still bright'

Today I planned going out with Bennett and Razor to Wanmin but...

With Chongyun yesterday...

"Then how could i- how could I tell you?"

When he...

"I like you Xingqiu!"


I turn over facing the pillow of my bed.

It hurts, thinking, about everything.

When Chongyun said that... did he mean it?

'Of course'

Why am I even questioning.

And then the question is how long...

And if he liked me as long as I've liked him, then why did he never awnser me?

Did he really see it as a joke?

Did he really think my feelings towards him was a lie...

And I still do like him... but its not the same.

I dont want to anymore.

I sit up, placing my face into my hands, now with a painful headache.



I quickly look to the door of my room.

"Uh, yes?" I try to say in my usual tone, with the thoughts from before, racing through my mind still eating away.

"Master Xingqiu, Bennett and Razor have returned." I here a lady say from behind my door.

I begin to stand, reaching for my my usual navy jacket to put it on.

"Where are they right now?" I ask the lady as I finish putting my jacket on.

"Well, when Bennett returned..." i heard her say, but was unable to tell the rest.

"I apologize, could you please repeat?" I ask her, reaching for the door.

"He returned... covered... in soup."

I stand in the doorway, looking at the lady who had come to inform me.

"What." I say, completely confused by her words

"He's currently taking a bath."

"Ah, okay then, thank you." I say, ending our conversation as I close my door, once again.

'I'll go check up on them later'


"Hey Xingqiu." Bennett greats me as he opens the door of their guest room.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now