Waking Up

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I wake up to a light knocking on my door. I sit up.

'Wait, I'm home.'

I get up seeing myself still in my usual clothes, I had awoken in my living room as well, with a pillow and blanket lying were I had been sleeping.

'Wait- last time I was at... Wanmin with Xiangling.

'And I, passed out.

'Oh no.'

"Hello, Chongyun? Are you awake yet?" I hear a muffled voice.

I turn to the door. I had been caught up in my confusion I'd forgotten about the door.

"Xiangling?" I open the door to see a a nervously smiling Xiangling with a dish in her hand.

"Good morning Chongyun, I'm so sorry." She bows, putting her arms infront, offering the dish in hand. "I'd been completely distracted, not only did I mix up the order, I hurt you too."

I step back from her sudden apology.

"There's no need to apologize Xiangling. I had been the one troubling you, I apologize for anything I might have done after I blacked out." I bow and take the dish from her hands, inviting her in.

"If I did any damage to the restaurant, I will be sure to pay the price. I hope I didn't do anything as bad as last... incident."

Xiangling laughs. "Nonono, you didn't do any damage to the restaurant, and you certainly didn't call me an evil spirit of any sort."

She's making fun of me now.

"Well, I'm glad I didn't then." I said a bit embarrassed.

I go to the kitchen to put up the dish, I wasn't feeling very hungry but I'll be sure to eat it anyways.

"Well if I didnt ruin anything, what did I do?" I ask. "I wasn't a pain to bring home was I? And thanks for bringing me back."

Xiangling gives a confused look, followed along with a "huh?"

"Oh." She says, already making herself at home as she sits down. "Well when you woke up, you kind of ran off. I went out looking for you but you just dissapeared."

'I ran off'

She continued. "I was really starting to worry when it started to get late, but luckily Xingqiu was able to find you. He was walking you home when I ran into him."

"Wait Xingqiu did?" I ask. "D-did anything happen?" A little scared to hear the awnser.

Xiangling sits in a moment of silence, thinking

"No." She finally says, but there seemed to be a bit of hesitation, which was definitely conserning. "You were passed out on his back. He told me you fell asleep the moment you reached him."

'Thank the Archons'

It's not like I haven't passed out infront of Xingqiu before, mainly because of his own antics, but this time was different, I was planning something. If I had said it out right like that- Wait.

"Did you say, the moment I reached him?"

Was I actually trying to tell him!?
I feel panic rising.

"You were." Xiangling explains. "You ended up pushing me so you could leave, you didn't hurt me or anything, just kind of moved me to the side you know."

I sit in silence, my thoughts in a wild panic, trying to remember.

'What did I do? What did I do? What did I do?'

"Chongyun? Are you okay?" Xiangling said looking a little concerned.

"Yeah, I'm fine..."

'Why do I feel like I did do something?'

The story didnt sit right, and her hesitant tone at the start didn't help.

"Hey did-" I start to ask but Xiangling interrupts.

"I bet you were planning to confess to Xingqiu weren't you!" She laughs.

"Xiangling! I-I dont know... if I... was." I look away from her, flustered.

I planned everything already, and if I ended up ruining everything then... there would be no way I could fix it.

"How do you know that I like him?" I ask her to distract myself from the thought.

"You said it yourself, after Hu Tao asked you, but I suppose you weren't all there."

I nod, mainly to myself and decide it would be best to ask Xingqiuabout last night.

"I think I'm going to go see Xingqiu." I stand, fixing my hair and tell Xiangling that it was nice for her to vist.

We both step out of my home parting ways.

"Bye Chongyun! Good luck!" Xiangling waves goodbye heading off to wherever she planned to go next, while I head over to the direction of Xingqiu's home.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now