So... do You?

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Me and Hu Tao ended up at Xiangling's house. After Hu Tao had seen through my lie, a little too easily, she had brought us here.

"Ooopen up, we're here to visit you~"

"Hu Tao, that isn't needed. All you need to do is knock."

"Aiya, but that's no fun. You need to lighten up a bit Yun."

"Don't call me Yun please."

"Huh? okay then..."

Just from my lie being a complete fail, and to being dragged along to Xiangling's, I'm not in the greatest of moods.

Plus "Yun" is a thing Xingqiu calls me, that's all.

The door opens and Xiangling rushes us in.

Xiangling leaves off into the kitchen, quickly returning with two dishes in her hands.

I look at the dish, it's not one that I recognize.

I dont pay much attention to regarding Xiangling and Hu Tao's conversation, since I really didnt want to be here anyways.

"What is this dish?" I ask, refusing to look at the two of them.

Xiangling said something about Traveler, and the dish being from Mondstadt.

Knowing Xiangling, I was concerned what the dish might have for a suprise. My worry must of been noticable, once I finally turned to face Xiangling, she quickly attempted dismiss my concerns.

I turn to the dish.
"Ah, I see. From Mondstadt, huh."

The look of the food is very different from here in Lyiue. I even hear the flavor is quite different too.

Even though I live here in Lyiue, I've never actually been able to enjoy the cuisine here.

"Oho, speaking of Mondstadt, isn't that where Xingqiu is?" I heard Hu Tao say. She had said something else as well, but all I could focus on was Xingqiu and the reason I got dragged here in the first place.

I Thought talking to Hu Tao would help, as long as I kept it hidden as to why. But she caught me instantly.

'Am I really that bad at lying.'

Mabey, I shouldn't of lied in the first place. After all, that's why I'm  here at Xiangling's.

"So, is this a 'i love Xingqiu' rivalry thing between you two?"

I look up to Hu Tao, then quickly to Xiangling.

"Who knew Xingqiu was so popular." Hu Tao laughed.

Xiangling's face, seemed suprise by Hu Tao's words. I mean, I am too.

But the thought of Xiangling, liking Xingqiu, and what if he-

I feel myself become overwhelmed with a weird emotion, and befor I could calm myself down, I already found myself standing up a shouting. "Wait, Xiangling. You like Xingqiu!?"

I pause, as I'm left standing, surprised, over my own reaction.

Why would I care?

It would be completely fine if Xiangling liked Xingqiu.

And if he... liked her.


I dont like him anyways.

'I do like him though.'

But not like-


"You sure do suck at lying Chongyun..."



" know he does like you right?"

I feel myself slip away, getting lost in my thoughts... no longer able to hear Xiangling or Hu Tao.

From the ruins, to when he left, and even now...

Did I always... think like this?

'I think...'

Did I always... feel... like this?

"So do you like Xingqiu, Chongyun?"

"I- I think, I do."

I like Xingqiu.
I really do.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now