A Wish for You

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"Looky!" Hu Tao drags me over to a store. "Isn't it pretty Chongyun!"

"Why are you dragging me out? I just want sit down at Wanmin." I ask her, ignoring whatever new thing she had in her hand.

"You're my client!" She happily states.

"I'm not exactly in the market for dying today, Hu Tao."

She laughs dragging me off to a new stall, looking at more pointless trinkets.

"But you definitely look dead."

She turns around to me with a confident stance.

"And that's why..." she begins to announce. "I shall bring you back from the dead!"

She nods her head in agreement to herself. "And that make you my client!" She points to me.

"Free of charge for now of course." She adds in.

We continue walking on.

"Isn't that against what you do?" I ask her.

As we continue walking she tilts her head side to side, as if she's debating the question with herself. "True..." She says finally with a smile. "But it's my super secret technique no one else knows! Luck you. Hehe."

"Right." I stare at her with narrow eyes.

"But in all seriousness Chongyun, are you okay?" We stop as Hu Tao faces me with a rare serious look.

"I'm fine, Hu Tao."


"I'm okay."


"I am."



"Yay!" Hu Tao happily clapped her hands together. "So, what happened?"

I take a moment to gather my thoughts, not wanting to say too much. This is something me and Xingqiu need to figure out after all.

"We... fought."I hesitantly say. "I went to talk to him, but things went rather down hill."

"Oh." She says suprise. "Well... I doubt you want to talk about what it was, but how did it lead you to having Xingqiu's tassel?" She lean closer to look at the tassels, pointing at them both.

"He... threw it. At me."


I look away from Hu Tao, it would of been useless to say he had handed it to me anyways.

I decided that I would hold onto Xingqiu's tassle and return it once he felt well enough talk again, but the thought that he would refuse to remain friends after this, has been haunting my mind.

'An evil that even my spirit, can't chase away.'

"He really threw it at you, huh. To think he threw the one thing that resembled your guy's friendshi-"

"Hu Tao!" I clentch my fists shouting.

"Stop it." I tell her.

She jumps up surprised from my tone, with a few people now staring our way.

"Sorry, Chongyun..." She looks to the ground with a sorrowful expression. "I was being inconsiderate." She finishes her apology and went over to look at something that caught her eye gesturing me to follow.

"I'm sure you and Xingqiu will figure it out. You are bestfriends after all, one quarrel shouldn't keep you from being friends." She states.

"I hope so..."

"Well" she continues on. "Do you plan on talking it out or something?"

"Yeah, during the lantern Rite, but I'm not even sure if he'll be willing to." I say looking out to the crowd of people passing by.

"That's great then. Here!"

I turn back to see a item covered in yellow paper with intricate designs painted on.

I grab hold of the item, taking it away from my face, viewing the item as a whole.

"A lantern?" I ask Hu Tao.

"Yep." she laughed.

"You said you two might talk it out during the whole event right? Soooo..." she drags on the word until I decide to pitch in.

"So?" I ask.

"What better way to mend things by releasing a lantern together?" She clapped her hands together giving her usual wink and smile.

"And you can considerate another way for telling you I'm sorry about what I said." She adds in.

I look at the lantern.

It would be nice to release one, even if... he didn't show.

"Its fine Hu Tao, but thank you." I say. "I'll take the lantern."

'A lantern is used to make a wish'

"That's good. You dont look as dead as before, so I hope I made you feel a bit better, even if I'm not the very best at it."

I smile at Hu Tao, i suppose i do feel a bit better. "I think I do, thanks Hu Tao."

'And even if we cant wish together'

Hu Tao stretches out her arms, acting out an exaggerated yawn.
"Its all in a days work for the Wangsheng Funeral Parlor Director!" She laughs, lightly hitting my shoulder.

'I'll make a wish'

"Oh." Hu Tao says as we begin to walk along the streets once more. "You should tell Xiangling what's up when we get back to Wanmin. She's worried about you to, you know."

"You're right. I guess I'll explain a bit to her too. Thank you Hu Tao."

"Hehehe. No problem at all."

'What that wish is, I'm not sure. But I know, I want that wish to be for you.'

"Let's head back, shall we Chongyun?"

"Yeah, I've had enough of being dragged around today."

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now