Leaving Mond

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I first head up to Razor's room at the knights, I wanted to grab a few things of mine I had left.

It wasn't anything much just a bookmark of mine and a few books I had brought over to read too.

As I was leaving the building of the knights I run into both Bennett and Razor. The two looked happy and seems all went well.

"Book, sorry for not coming back." Razor came up to apologize.

"Its fine Razor. I told Miss. Lisa you were okay, and Klee filled me in a bit too." I look at the two of them, both seem extremely better from the time I had first met them.

"I see you two made up."

I give them a big smile.
'I'm glad'

Razor rushes up to give me a hug.
"Thank you. You are, a good friend." Razor says as he hugs me tightly.

I gently hug Razor back, surprised from his sudden affection.

I look to see Bennett, standing a couple of steps down from us. He nervously looks at the two of us.

"Sorry for all the trouble Xingqiu, but thanks for covering Razor." Bennett walks up to the two of us as Razor releases from our embrace.

I laugh and tell them. "We are all friends after all. I'll always be willing to help you guys out."

The three of us stand in silence, but it's a silence where we can all agree, that the three of us, are glad to all be friends.

"Say," I begin to speak, as I remember the upcoming festival in Lyiue.

The Lantern Rite.

"The Lantern Rite in Lyiue will be coming around in a couple of weeks. I think it would be fun if the two of you could come to Lyiue." I tell the two. "Make sure to come early, if you do, I could provide you both with a place to stay." I'm sure I could arrange a place for a stay with the guild.

Bennett and Razor are great people, I'm glad to have met them during my stay.

Bennett laughs. "Sounds good! I've been to Lyiue, but I've never attended the Lantern Rite." He gives me a tumbs up, leaning onto Razor, looking for conformation from him.

"Have not been to Lyiue. Sounds, fun." Razor says slowly, I could tell he was focusing on his words.

"Sounds like a deal." I say "I look forward to seeing the two of you then."

We say our goodbyes for one last time before I head off to the hotel and prepare my things, to depart once again.

[Xingqiu x Chongyun] Lost For Words☆Where stories live. Discover now