CHAPTER 11 ― Meera...

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At the hospital...

Veer and Ishita arrived and went to the front office hasty.

"Excuse me, where are Raj and Meera?" Veer asked the officer.

Two polices came closer to them.

"Veer and Ishita?"



They followed the police walked along the corridor. They stopped in front of the ICU.

"These are their belongings," the police gave them some things that Kaali and Meera had brought, such as phone and wallet.

"Raj is still under treatment,"

"And my sister?" Ishita asked the police.

"Hmm, she is..."

"How about my sister?!" she raised her tone.

"I'm sorry, but she more," the police told them.

It was confusing Ishita and Veer. Then, a doctor and a nurse came to them.

"Excuse me? Are you family of the passengers on the accident?"

They turned to face the doctor and the nurse.

"Yes," Veer said, meanwhile Ishita looked depressed, confused with the news that she just heard from the police, and didn't believe that it happened.

"I'm sorry to say this, but the woman dead on the spot. When we evacuated them, she was not breathing. We have tried our best to safe her, but it didn't work. We are so sorry for your loss," the doctor explained.

DEG! Ishita fell to the closest chair. She didn't believe it. Veer embraced her shoulder and hugged her.

"No... No, please tell me where is my sister? I want to meet her now!" she tried not to scream but her heart was literally broken because of the news.

"You can see her, come," the doctor said.

Ishita looked at Veer. He understood, held her hand and embraced her shoulder to help her stand up and walk.

They went to a room which only have one bed with Meera laid down on it, covered by white veil from her toe till her neck.

"We found this ring on her ring finger. You can save it," the doctor gave the ring to Ishita. She had no clue about the ring. Of course, it's the ring that Kaali just gave her on their date.

"This ring...," Veer paid attention at the ring.

"Why, Veer?" Ishita asked him.

"If I remember clearly, Raj bhai bought this ring to propose Pogo ji. He asked me about the design. He customized this one only for her," he explained.

Ishita was a bit shocked. "So, she was his fiancée," she thought whilst held the ring and put it inside her bag. Then, she came closer to see her sister. No more blood, just Meera's beautiful face that looked so pale and several wound on her face. It was hurted for Ishita. Meera was her only family, her only sister who had been there for her, raised her up without their parents, tried to do the best for her and protected her at all costs. Ishita's world fell apart, now she is all alone.

"Didi..." she touched Meera's forehead whilst crying beside her.

"Didi, please wake up," she whispered. Yet, there was no responses.

Veer come closer to her and hugged her tighly. She hugged him back.

"Veer, didi...,"

"Ishu... She is fine there. She hates to left you, but it's God's will," he tried to calm her.

They left the room and back to the front of the ICU. They sat on the chair. Ishita laid her head on Veer's shoulder. She didn't know what to do for her life. The way she lost Meera made her feel like she lost everything. 10 minutes later, the doctor came out of the ICU. They both stood up and met the doctor.

"Doctor, I'm Raj's brother. How is he?" Veer asked the doctor, full of worries and curious.

"Actually, he is not fine at all. The hard crash made him got some serious injuries. Glad he breathes by himself, but now he is in coma. He will always be under our control. Did you see the woman?" the doctor explained and asked them. They both nodded.

"I'm so sorry, and be strong," the doctor stroked Veer's shoulder and smiled to Ishita. Then, he left them.

Veer tried to call Sidhu to tell him the news about Meera and Kaali, and asked for his help to prepare for Meera's funeral. He was shocked as well and told about it to everyone.

At 10am, Veer and Ishita left the hospital by their car, meanwhile the ambulance with Meera's corpse inside the coffin followed them. They went to the cemetery that had been prepared. Their closest friends arrived there first. They stopped right in front of the spot where Meera will be buried. Veer got out first from the car. He opened Ishita's door and raised his hand to hold her, helped her to walk by embraced her shoulders. She looked so pale. When she saw Raghav, she walked closer to him and hugged him tight. Raghav was like her own brother. The ambulance crews took the coffin out and brought it to the side of Meera's final resting place. They all looked so sad to lose Meera. When the coffin began to be lowered to the grave, Ishita's tears fell down more. They all started to cry. Then, they started to pour the flowers upon Meera's tomb and prayed for her soul. Rest in Peace, Meera Dev Malik.

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