CHAPTER 27 ― Please Stay...

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Day by day, week by week...

The days were going like usual. But, there was something different. Yes, they kept sending messages. Even Shahrukh would like to sending voice notes to tell her about his days or anything he wanted to tell. Kajol was, as always, being a good listener. She oftenly texted him, but sometimes she also sent voice notes. The chats, voice notes, made their days better. Much better. They became so so close to each other. They also had calls frequently, met up at the café, having lunch together, watching movies, going to the bookstore, etc. Everything seemed so fun and they enjoyed their time.

One day, Kajol didn't receive Shahrukh's morning text, so she texted him first. There was no answer. She thought, it's okay, he would reply then. She left her phone and prepared to go to the office. She wore her black tanktop with a bit lace, and her blacksuit with a white color in the right-collar matches with the little white ribbon, and a red color in the left-wrist. She put a little bold make-up on her face with red lip color. She tied her hair into a low ponytail. The ultimate lady-boss! She took an apple, a bread, and a glass of milk as her breakfast. Then, she went to her office.

In the afternoon, Kajol called Shahrukh, if he wants to join for lunch. But he didn't answer. Okay, she had her lunch in the cafeteria in her office. She didn't feel bad for anything. "Maybe, he is busy," she thought. She enjoyed her lunch. Few of her employees joined her. Yes, as a boss, she's so friendly to her employees. She treats them like friends, yet still she wants them to work properly and discipline. It's one of the reasons why they love their boss and respect her so much. After the lunch, they all were back to their work.

In the evening, she left her office. She went to the supermarket to buy some food stock and some dishes for her dinner before she goes to her flat. Several times she checked on her phone. There was still no answer from Shahrukh. She started to confused. "Did I do something wrong?" She drove home while thinking about it. Glad, she reached her flat safely, even though it's late. She cleaned up herself, and took her pajamas. She also had her dinner while watching the TV. Once she finished her dinner, she brushed her teeth and went to her room. She laid back on her bed.

She tried to contact Shahrukh again, this time she planned to send voice note.

"Hi, Shah. I'm home. I felt lonely without your messages and voice notes. How are you today? Tell me something as you always do."

When it delivered, Shahrukh was suddenly being online and he finally read her messages. It lifted up Kajol's mood. Then, there was a call coming.

"Hello, Shah! I called you, texted you since the morning. Where were you?"

"He-hello... K-kajol..." he whispered.

Kajol felt that there's something wrong with him by hearing his voice on the phone. She sat properly and ready to hear him. Her bright face became worried. The atmosphere around her felt so cold.

"Shahrukh? Are you okay?"

There's no answer from Shahrukh, but they call was still on the line.

"Shah, please say something."

"C-can you... C-an you c-come here, p-please?" his voice was fainted.

No needed to take some more time, she jumped down her bed and took some little run till she finally reached her car, still in her pajamas. "Hurry up, Kadz!" she talked to herself. She didn't even mind to left her flat at this hour. She didn't even mind that she has to work tomorrow. Something inside her made her to just thinking about Shahrukh. She drove in hurry.

When she reached the building, she ran into the lift. Finally, she arrived at the floor where Shahrukh's flat is. She came out and tried to calm herself. She took a deep breath. Then, she took some little run to his flat. She saw a little crowd in front of his flat. She walked closer and she found something was shocking her.

"Shahrukh?" she whispered when she found Shahrukh lies down on the floor, right in front of his door. He looked pale, and...the strong alcohol was smelled. He's drunk.

"Excuse me, Ma'am. Do you know him?" a guy asked her.

"K-kajol..." his voice was so broken.

"Yes, Shah, I'm here. Ya, I'm his friend. Can you please get him inside? It's his room," she asked for help whilst letting her hand was held by Shahrukh.

The guy, who seemed like he is one of building's personnel, tried to find the key around Shahrukh's body. Once he found, he helped Kajol to get Shahrukh inside.

"What happened?" Kajol asked when they laid Shahrukh down on the bed.

"I think, he came here in this condition. Accidentally, I just wanted to go down after finish my work in this floor. At that time, he came and fell on the ground, like as you could see. He's drunk, but I don't know the cause," he explained.

"Okay, thanks. You can go now. Thank you for helping us," she thanked as herself and his behalf. The guy left them.

Kajol sat on Shahrukh's bed, besides him. She looked at Shahrukh compassionately. He was sleeping under the alcohol's influence. She held his hand and tenderly stroked his forehead.

"I never see you like this. You used to be cheerful and talkative. Now, see, you are faint. What happened to you?" she whispered.

She was so worried about him. She kept questioning, "what happened to him?" Seeing him like this made her feel the pain. She felt like she wants to take care of him. She still doesn't know what is this and what does she feels towards him. Sometimes, she just feels that the bond between them.....can't be explained with the words. When she wanted to leave, Shahrukh held her hand. "Please stay..." he whispered with his voice that almost inaudible. She felt more pain, yet it automatically made her couldn't leave him.

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