CHAPTER 44 ― Alvira

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8 years later

Kajol was a fulltime wife and mother, a part time boss. She oftenly worked from home. In the morning she used to serve Shahrukh, even though he used to do everything himself. At least Kajol helped him even by doing little things. She also had to taking care of Alvira, their first daughter who was a last-year kindergarten student. Every day, she goes to school with her Papa and comes back home with her Mama.

"Alvira, are you ready?"

"Yes, Papa!"

Kajol smiled seeing the two persons she loved the most. It's one of joys she would cherish forever.

"Kiss Mama," Kajol hugged her little baby before she goes to school. Alvira hugged her Mama and kissed her cheeks briefly.

"Good, Princess. Be kind to others, ya?"

"Okay, Mama!"

"We are going, darling," said Shahrukh, then he kissed Kajol's forehead.

"Be careful, take care," Kajol replied whilst smiling.

Shahrukh and Alvira left their home.

Kajol cleaned up the house and worked in her room. She checked on her emails. There were many files to read and need some corrections. She looked so busy on her work that has to be done before 11 am because she should pick Alvira at her school. Meanwhile Shahrukh had several important meetings today. Everyone seemed busy with their own activities.

"Haaah, finally it's done!" said Kajol gladly and stretches her body. She looked at a frame with herself, Shahrukh, and Alvira in the photo. She picked up the frame and smiled. Her little family is her dose to be happy and forget all the tiring days.

"Thank God for the greatest blessings."

She grabbed her phone and a bit shocked after found a reminder.

"Oh damn, how can I forget this day?"

She prepared herself to go.

When she was on her way, her phone was ringing.

"Hi, hun."

"Hi, sweetheart. Is everything okay?"

"Yes, I'm on my way to Alvira's school. How are you?"

"I'm good. I just finished one meeting with my people and take a minute to rest before attending others, and of course to call you."

"Oh, so sweet hahaha. How was it?"

"It was ya....we just evaluated the works in this period. Everything looks good."

"Glad to know that. Don't skip your lunch! Will you come home late tonight?"

"A-ye captain! I don't think so. I will tell you later."

"Okay, take care. See ya, I love you."

"You too, baby. I love you more! Please send my kiss to Alvira."

"Only for Alvira? Where is mine?"

"You will not be able to stop me if I give it to you now, Mrs. Khan. I wonder how would Alvira react when she knows her lovely mama is so jealous of her hahaha."

They giggled.

"Okay, see you."


"Mama!" Alvira ran to Kajol and jumped into her arms.

"Hi, sweety!" Kajol hugged her princess tightly and kissed her temple twice.

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