CHAPTER 23 ― Kajol and Arjun (2)

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"What are you doing?"

"It must be my question."

Arjun pushed her and pressed her to the wall.

"Let me go! You please enjoy your time with your bitch!"

Hearing Kajol's sarcastic words, Arjun slapped her, then he chocked her neck.

"Shut up! Listen. Yes I was cheating on you, for 6 months. But do you know, you were the cause?"

Kajol stayed silent.

"You didn't have time for me, you didn't give me what I want."

"I tried my best to maintain our communication in the middle of my hectic time. I tried to give you my time whenever I'm home. Everything was okay. What did you want? Sex? I couldn't give it to you, because you know I strictly hold on my values. I don't know what happened to you, it changes you like this. You always respected my choices, but your lust couldn't! You couldn't control yourself because of it. I trusted you a lot, and you easily broke it. I saw it with my own eyes. And what did you do? You just slapped me! You never do that. It made my decision becomes strong. We are over. Now, let me go!"

"Oh, really? If you want to go now, forget your values, Kajol. You are the one and only that I want. You are my only desire. At least, give me one chance to taste you before you left me," Arjun smirked.

He held Kajol's hands upper her head and started to kiss her. She kept refusing. He slapped her and chocked her neck for the second time, so he could kiss her easily.

At that time, Saif and Kareena came back, because they thought Kajol was too long to be there. They reached the room and saw what Arjun did to her. Saif quickly walked in, he hit Arjun.

"Stop it, Arjun!"

They fought. After got some great hits from Saif, Arjun didn't have any strength to do anything. The trio left him alone.


Kajol changed her number to avoid Arjun's calls and messages. For Kajol, they were really over. Arjun seemed doesn't care anymore. He didn't even looking for her or say sorry. But, she was fine because it meant she doesn't need to meet him again. Her days were going fine and getting better. Till one day, when it was break time, she planned to go to the café near her office. She walked on the lobby, then the front-liner called her. She told her that there was someone, named Arjun, wants to meet her, he's waiting in the longue. She was shocked and tried to gain her strength to met him. She met him and be aware for something that would be happen.

"What are you doing here?"

Arjun turned and saw Kajol standing behind him. He smiled. His smile was the same as their first acquitance. It made Kajol became more worried, but she tried to act normal, even though in fact, Arjun's presence in her office officially ruined her day.

"Can we talk?"

"If you want to talk about what happened those days, we can't."

"No, please. I have something to talk to you. I promise I will not do anything."

Few seconds later, with her cold stare, she accepted, "Okay. Not here."

She walked before him to the café near the office. She ordered one cup of Americano, only for her. Arjun understood that she would not do the nice thing after what happened to them. He asked for a cup of latte. They took their seat on the third table from the door and the first table from the window.

"Let's discuss."

"I don't want to. I don't have many time."

"Okay, then, let me talk and you just listen to me. First, I'm so sorry for suddenly come to your office. I know you've changed your number. I asked Saif, but he didn't give it to me. It was fine."

"Next," she kept staring with her cold gaze.

"Second, I apologize for what happened to you, and to our relationship. I didn't know what happened to me, I lose my control."

She turned her face to the window.

"He did it and said that he doesn't know what happened? Cih~" she thought.

"I'm sorry for hurting you."

"Third, me and that woman were over. I know you already hate me, I know you don't want us to be reunited, I know you don't even want to hear this, but my heart and I need you."

"Your heart or your lust?" she stared at him sharply.

"Kajol, please."

She was back to silent.

"The last, I want to tell you that I will left this country. I want to start my new life. Hahah I know you don't even care about this, but yeah... Once again, I'm so sorry for what happened those days. I know it's hard for you, but if you forgive me, it will help me to start my new life with full of joy."

Kajol stared at him coldly. The atmosphere became cold and hot. She drank her coffee while turning to the window again. Once she finished her coffee, she turned back to look at him.

"Well. I'm glad you realized all of it. Best of luck for your new life. If you've done, I'll go."

"Thank you," Arjun smiled.

Kajol gave him a slight smile before she left the café and back to her office.

"Finally, it's officially over," she thought.

~Flashback ends~


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