A Glimpse of Reincarnation

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This is not a part of the chapters, but I just want to share a little bit about the reincarnation. Most of us probably know what the reincarnation is. Some of us might believe in it as well. We will talk about it generally, in Hindu and Buddha's concept.

In Hindu, the reincarnation occurs because the soul must bear the result of its actions in its former life. If the humans don't enjoy the results of a lifetime, then they are given the opportunity to enjoy them in the next life. Consequently, there arose a process of reincarnation intended for the soul to enjoy its unrelished results. In addition to being given a chance to enjoy, humans have been given an opportunity to improve their lives (in quality).

There is something called 'jiwatman' that means 'that brought people to life.' Jiwatman had a memory to record and remember events committed or experienced in life while still united with their bodies. That memory resulted in a continuing welling of worlds despite the death that caused jiwatman to part with the body.

To quote from a book I once read titled Soul Awareness: Reveal The Secrets of Spirits and Reincarnation by Anand Krishna, on the Kurukshetra battlefield, Shri Krishna said

"As one has left behind an old garment,

one is clothed with a new one.

Similarly, after leaving the old body,

the soul that nurtured it found a new one."

- Bhagavadgita 2:22

At the time of the soul's rebirth, the spirit is eternal, meanwhile the body is damage. So, the soul must pass on to a new body to enjoy the results. At the time entering a new body, the principal spirit brought results from its former life, resulting in good-fate or ill-fate. The reincarnated spirit and soul will not remember their former life so as not to recall the sorrows that abounded in the past life. But, some sources said that the reincarnated soul is gonna have déjà vu, and few people believe that it's revealing of the past life experiences.

The process of reincarnation will continue as long as the soul remains bound to its results of its action. But if the body is loosed from earthly bondage and the soul already understands the true meaning of life, then feelings of sorrow and the soul will escape the cycle of rebirth. In that state, the soul becomes one with God.

In Buddha, the rebirth called Punabbhava. All living creatures in the universe will be subject to perpetual regeneration as long as the creature has not yet reached a degree of sanctity of Arahat/Arhat. Arahat comes from Pali language (arahati), meanwhile Arhat comes from Sanscrit (arhati). Both mean 'awakening one'. Therefore, Arahat/Arhat is a name for one who has broken free from the bondage of tanha (lust), by attaining perfect enlightenment.

Writer's note:

I added this part purely for knowledge purpose,especially about a concept that not all of us know. I wrote it by some sourcesI have read. Have you read this part? I hope it helps you to learn somethingnew~^^ Feel free to share or discuss about what you know about this topic.

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