Chapter 75- Keilani

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I smile, drawing my lips to his slowly. He pulls me closer gently, arms holding me firmly around the waist. His thumbs rub over my bottom ribs & I gasp into the kiss, drawing back slowly.

He smiles shyly, face red, & I can't believe I didn't notice he liked me before. He looks at me, eyes soft, hands moving over my arms. "That was... amazing... You're amazing."

I smile slowly, hands wrapping around his shoulders & head falling against 1 of them, my hair muffling my speech. "But... aren't you worried... about dating a trans girl?"

"Mmm, no... I mean... initially I was, but... I'm not insecure about liking you, if that's what you're getting at... More like worried that I'll hurt you in some way unintentionally &... never be able to forgive myself..."

I look up at him curiously. "W-wow... I... Wow... Well... you don't need to worry much about me..."

He smiles kindly. "Well, if you ever feel uncomfortable about anything or need to tell me something, go ahead. I'm here... I don't want to make you uncomfortable or offend you... I want to do right by you..."

I smile shyly. "Me too... But aren't you worried... about what your parents will say?"

He nods slightly. "A little... I don't know... what they'll think about you being trans or being a mermaid &... I haven't quite told them about you, for fear of putting you in danger... They are generally nice people... I might tell them some day... when you're ready... & what about you? & your parents?"

I smile nervously. "My dads know I... like guys but... they haven't met you yet, obviously &... they don't know I'm trans..."

"Oh." He nods understandingly, pulling me close. "Well, when you're ready to tell them... if it's sometime this summer... I'll be there..."

I smile sadly. "& after this summer?"

He frowns, kissing the top of my head, hands touching my hair gently. "I- don't know... But I'm willing to wait for you... To do so much just to see you..."

I smile slowly, hugging him again. "Me too."

Aww, they be cute :3

Happy Pride again, btw, guys. Stay safe & be you! :D <3

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