Chapter 99- Robin

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"Are you kidding me? You didn't ask him out?" Shreya whisper-yells at me during the next Monday Culinary class.

I wince, shaking my head embarrassingly, face reddening. "No... I... I mean... I wanted to but... what if he doesn't want me to..."

She sighs heavily. "I see the way he looks at you now. There is no way that is a platonic look..."

My eyes widen slightly. "Wait... are you sure?" She nods certainly & I sigh. "Because I... don't know how I'm gonna say it out loud..."

She thinks for a moment. "That's ok... You could text it to him..."

I blink. "Are you sure?"

She smiles slowly. "Yeah... I mean... if he rejects you, at least it won't be as awkward right after... & it'll give you the courage to say it & thorough time to plan..."

I think for a moment. "Yeah, yeah... I... should definitely do that... If you think it's a good idea & you're sure he likes me too... I mean... I was honestly just planning on waiting until this crush died, but- if you're sure... Why don't we have a sleepover at my place? I definitely need the moral support for the big moment..."

She grins. "Hell yeah! I am there- lemme just text my parents to tell them where I'll be & I can stop by my house for an overnight bag then meet you there."

I beam, practically jumping into her arms with joy. "Yay!"

. . .

After we eat dinner at my place, we quickly head up to my room, despite my family's weird looks in our direction. We plop on my bed & I pull up my phone, taking deep breaths & channeling my courage.

Shreya smiles supportively, hand on my shoulder briefly. "You can do it."

I nod slowly, sighing, then starting to type.

Robin: hey, h, can i ask u something?

Helios: 'h', lol

R: well, what would u prefer me 2 call u? 'hel'?

H: omg, that's amazing XD

R: ur welcome :V

H: what's that?

R: duck face

H: oh, cool :). but, yeah, leo's probs just fine...

R: 'leo'? like the utuber, lol

H: yeah...

R: what's that supposed 2 mean?

H: idk how else 2 reply...

R: ok? u could just say, 'oh, i've heard of them' or 'nice' or 'anyways'... unless ur lying about something, lol

H: about that... i'm leo... i meant 2 tell u @ some pt, & i guess now is as good enough time as any... but i figured u didn't know who that was...

R: what? u literally just said ur name is leo...

H: no, i mean, i'm the utuber leo... i just never show my face bc i figured it was better that way... that way my followers don't treat me like they would irl...

R: fr?

H: yeah

I gasp & Shreya looks over my shoulder questioningly.

"Oh, he just said he was the youtuber Leo..."

She raises her eyebrows. "Really? Wow... I've heard a few of his songs, nice on him... So... did you tell him yet?"

My face reddens. "I'm getting to it..."

Robin: neat :). u should sing 4 me sometime ;)

Helios: ok... what's w the wink?

R: leo... we never got 2 what i want 2 tell u...

H: ok? shoot

R: i think i like u... like, i wanna date u or something, if that's ok...

H: ...

"Oh my gosh, I just told him & he's typing! The suspense is killing me!" Shreya looks at my phone as I say this, squealing & squeezing my hand in support.

Helios: fr?

Robin: yeah... i have 4 a while now, i just didn't know how 2 tell u...

H: can u meet me in my backyard in say 10 min? i know ur house is near mine...

I feel my face blanch & I turn to Shreya. "What do I do? He just asked me to meet him at his house!"

She grimaces then smiles. "Maybe he wants to profess his undying love for you in person?"

I bury my face in my hands. "Or let me down in person..."

She pets my head slowly. "It's ok, Robin... I'm sure it's the 1st 1..."

I look up slowly. "But... what about my parents?"

She gets a determined look in her eyes. "Sneak out the back door. We've been in your room this whole time, I doubt they'd notice... If not, I'll cover for you..."

I smile nervously. "Ok..."

Oof, hope this goes well :/

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