Chapter Two

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I must have slept in as I woke up to something cold and wet on top of me. My eyes shoot open and I sat up to see my father with a small empty bucket in his hands.

A rule in the circus is, is that if you don't wake up early enough you get a bucket of cold water to the head. I look at him as he leaves my small tent and I sight and get out of the bed.

I have to get out of here.

But where do I go?

I did see a train station near here when I was putting up the posters.

I could grab some money and get a ticket to get the first train out of here.

Yes. Yes, that's perfect. I can't stand this bullshit anymore.

I'll do it after practice while everyone is eating.

I think to myself as I get dressed in my costume and open my hobo and check home much money I have, so I can get a train out of here.

Am I really doing this?

Running away from the circus? What would Ma think? Would she be mad at me?

No, of course not. All the shit I had to put with after she passed. Ugh.

20c. 20c is all I have and a train ticket can't be any more than 20c, right? I shake my head and make my way to the main tent for training.


"Okay good, work everyone. Eat up and we'll get ready for our show at 2 pm." My father shouts at everyone and we all make our way out of the tent after a long, hard and stressful five hours of training.

God 8 am to 12 am training.

As everyone makes their way over to the eating area I sneak over to the bathrooms. The showers aren't the best of quality but they do. I take a shower to wash off all the sweat and sneak back to my tent.

I look into my bag and get changed into normal clothes and dry my hair with a small towel I have in my tent. After I'm ready, I pull my bag over my left shoulder and sneak out of the tent after checking if I had everything I needed.

Money, check

Cloths, check

Books, check

Pencils, check

A tiny bit of food, check

Sketchbook, check

Even my costume, check

I sneak out of the grounds which wasn't that hard and make my way down the town to the train station. I walk up to the glass window to get a ticket I see that there are not many people here.

"Hi, I was wondering what the cheapest ticket you have to get out of Queen's." I asked the man behind the glass window.

"It would be Brooklyn, New York." He tells me as he looks down at me slightly.

"Uhm, how much is it?" I ask as I open my bag to take out my 20c

"25c for an adult ticket, 15c for a child." He tells me and my worries go.

Thank god I have enough money.

"I'll take the 15c to Brooklyn please," I tell him while I slide 15c under the small window. He gives me a small smile and hands me the ticket.

"Thank you," I say as I grab the ticket and find out where the train is supposed to be.

After about ten minutes of looking and asking two people. I found the train and it's just about to leave.

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