Chapter Fifteen

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25th of December

"Hey, sweetheart." My mother's voice says as she shakes me lightly on the shoulder,

"Mother?" I ask confused, "What's happening?" I ask as I sit upon my mattress,

"It's Christmas, love." She tells me and a huge smile grows on my face as I spring out of the bed and jump around the tent.

"It's Christmas, it's Christmas, it's Christmas." I cheer and I can hear my Mother laughing,

"What's all the noise in here?" My Fathers say jokingly as he walks into the tent with a small present in his hands while a newspaper is tucked under his arm.

"Dad, it's Christmas." I cheer and I run up and hug him.

"Is that so? And when is your birthday again?" He says as he crouches down to my height.

"My birthday is on the 29th. And I'm going to be ten." I cheer even louder, my Father laughs at me and ruffles my hair.

"Well, why don't you open a present your Mom and I got you for Christmas?" My Father says and he sits down beside my Mother on my bed.

I nod eagerly and spring onto the bed and my Father hands me a hand wrapped rectangular item. I open the wrapping gently and I peel back the wrapping to see a book I've been talking about a lot.

I let out a high pitched squeal as I wrap my arms around both my parent's necks and a big smile on my face.

"Thank you," I tell them with a smile and both return the gesture when we pull apart.

"Of course sweetie. You deserve the world." My mother says as she kisses the top of my head and creases my cheekbone with her thumb.

Since this is my first Christmas alone, Steve and his Mum have convinced me to come over to their house for Christmas Dinner. I was told it's a thing they do, the Rodgers do Christmas Dinner, while the Barnes do Thanksgiving.

As I reach Steve's house I readjust my dress and then I hover my knuckle over the door,

Knock, knock, knock

I hear slow muffled footsteps coming towards the door until it opens and I see Steve with a big smile on his face with a cream sweater, a long sleeve white shirt and a red tie on.

"Hey Stevie, here I got you this for Christmas. Well, I didn't get it as such, I more made it." I say as I hand him a knitted blue scarf wrapped in brown crepe paper.

"Thank you, Cassie. Did Bucky give you your gift yet?" He asks and I nod my head in response.

"I did thank you. It was amazing, I've already started reading it." I saw with a smile and Steve returns the gesture and steps aside so I can get inside.

As I step inside I take off my jacket and hang it on the coat rack by the door. And follow Steve into the living room to see Bucky and his family all there.

"Cassie Wassy," Becca shouts as she stands up to hug me. I crouch down and hug her properly,

"Hey, Becca Bear. Happy Christmas." I say as I crease her cheek with my thumb like my Mother used to do.

Bucky and Steve always find it confusing on which parents I'm talking about when I talk about them, I usually call my English parents Mum and Da, and my circus parents Mother and Father.

"Cassie," Tom says as he also joins the hug,

"Hey, Tommy," I say as I wrap my arms around him and ruffle his hair.

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