Chapter Twelve

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"Hey." I hear Steve say as I sit on a branch on one of the trees in the local park.

"Hi," I say and smile at him.

"What are you doing up here? My Ma and Bucky's family is down eating." Steve says as I climb down to him. And sit against the trunk beside him.

"I just feel like I'm intruding on your quote on quote 'Barnes Rodgers day'," I tell him as I look at Bucky laughing with Rebecca on his shoulders.

"You like him?" Steve says as a small smile grows on my face looking at Bucky.

"Pardon?" I say shocked and I look at Steve,

He just laughs at me "You heard me." He tells me and a small blush grows on my face and I look away.

"Uhm, no I don't. We're just... good friends. Best friends. That's all." I stutter out and my face goes redder as I look back at Steve.

"Okay... whatever you say. But question number two. Why aren't you with all of us?" He asks again and I shift my gaze back to the group in front of us.

"Like I said. I feel like I'm intruding." I say and I deeply sigh and look down as start to play with a stone on the ground.

"You're not intruding. You came in at the perfect time." He tells me and I shift my gaze up to him and give him a confused look.

"What do you mean?" I ask him and he smiles at me.

"Everything happens for a reason." He stands up and reaches out his hand for me. "You coming?" He says and smiles at me. I give him one back and use his hand to stand up. I make our way back to the group eating fruit on a Sunday on the 30th of November.

"Doll. Look." Bucky says as Steve and I walk down toward the two families.

"Doll?" I say with a soft smirk on my face as I sit down beside him and the rest of his family and Steve's Ma.

"Sorry, it kinda slipped out. I can sto-" He stops when I start to softly giggle at his adorable panic.

"No, no. It's fine, it's an adorable nickname. Thank you." I say as I give him a sweet smile. "It's definitely better than English Gingerbread," I say as I pop a strawberry in my mouth.

"James, really. The nicknames?" Winnifred says disbelief and disappointment at him. I swallow the strawberry and shake my head.

"No, don't worry. Ms Barnes. I don't mind the nicknames, there quite funny actually." I say with a smile and she smiles at me but shakes her head at bucky and he just laughs.

"How's the school play coming along?" Sarah asks as she looks at Steve, Bucky and me who sit in a row side by side.

"Good, Cassie's doing an amazing job on the costumes," Bucky says as the smallest blush comes to my face and I smile at him.

"But Steve is doing amazing at the background painting," I say and Bucky nods his head in agreement.

"But what about Bucky's acting. That's also amazing." Steve adds and Bucky shakes his head in disagreement.

"I don't even know what's happening in most scenes." Bucky's says and I start to chuckle.

"That's why you should read the book," I say and Bucky shakes his head again.

"Beaty and the beast is a kids book. Nope." He says popping the 'P.'

"I read it. What's stopping you?" I ask and he turns to face me.

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