Chapter Forty

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"So why did you come to England?" Cassie questioned the older man who was like a brother to her. 

"Well as I said, I needed a change. But I also wanted to get away from America." Luke replied, 

"How long have you been living here?" Cassie had a large grin on her face, looking at the very man that thought her archery in the circus. 

"Six or seven years. And what about you, when did you leave and when did you come to England?" He questioned

"I ran away when I was fifteen. But I live in America, not England." She sorrowfully remarked, looking at the woman beside him, 

"Hi, I'm Kelly. Luke talks about you a lot." The woman laughed, with her hand out to shake.

"Cassie. And I hope it's all good stuff," The redhead joked, 

"Oh, yes definitely. Said you were one of the best at the circus." She complimented before Cassie shook her head,

"I definitely wasn't the best." The redhead woman denied, 

"Oh, you definitely were, Kid." Luke chimed in, and Steve and Bucky gave each other confused glances.

"Uhm, doll, who is this?" The brunette asked, standing beside his fiancé

"Bubba, Steve. Remember I was telling you about Luke? The guy who trained me in archery?" Cassie asked the two, 

"Yes, it's great to meet you. Steve Rogers." The blond held out his hand to shake, 

"I guessed." Luke laughed as he looked back at the Captain America poster, 

"And Luke this is Bucky." The redhead spoke, as she leaned against him

"Great to put a face to the name." Bucky shoot the man's hand, 


Cassie was in the training room alone, shooting arrows at the multiple range targets in the room. After Howard gave her the vibranium bow, he'd offered to make her the protective gear. 

so there she was, using the bow nonstop, she kept walking around the room hitting bullseye to every target. She had requested to Howard that when he was putting range targets to put them in difficult places to hit. Like maybe one on the roof, or one in the far corner. 

they were everywhere in the room. But the thing was, there were holes in the bullseye of the targets. She really meant what she said. She never missed her shot. 

reaching back to grab another arrow from her quiver, she noticed she had only two left. So taking one and stoping in the middle of the room, she aimed her arrow at the far target in the corner of the room.

she let a smirk play its way on her face as she hit the bullseye, and she reached back for her last arrow. Spinning around she instantly let go when her eyes fell on the target laying on it back on the roof. 

naturally reaching back to grab another arrow she remembered that she had non left. Laughing to herself she pulled her hand back, but when she saw an arrow in her hand her eyebrows pulled together. 

she didn't pick up an arrow in her quiver, cause there was non-left. Shrugging it off the redhead placed lined it up in her bow and let go. Slowly reaching back, the redhead felt around for any arrows. There was non there. 

but when she pulled her hand back, there was one in her hand. But it looked like the rest with brown wood. This one actually looked like the last one. A full black arrow, but with a dark orange head. 

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