Chapter Forty-Two

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A/N- I'm going to apologise in advance for this. But this hurt me to write, :)


standing on the edge of the top of a snowy mountain, Cassie's teeth chattered as she rubbed up and down her arms. Her eyelashes were starting to freeze over, and her hands were numb from how cold it was. But the thing was, after the two years of the Howling Commandos going on missions, Cassie noticed the strange things that were happening to her, were now happening more often. 

for example, she realised that if she thought of an object in her mind, and where she wanted the object to appear. It would happen. Like if she imagined having a nice warm mug of hot tea in her hand right now, it would appear. 

at first, when it started to happen, it freaked the fuck out of the redhead, but now, she's learned to befriend it, and not be afraid of it. That wasn't the only weird thing about her, she didn't like to do it, but if she tried she could listen to peoples thoughts. Sometimes even seeing their thoughts, which really freaked the woman out doing it the first time. 

but the thing was, she was too scared to tell her friends or family. So keeping her mouth shut was the best option she could think of. But when she thinks about all the things she had heard when she was younger, everything makes sense now.

like when she was thirteen and in the circus and she stumbled into the future teller's tent. She told Cassie 'It may be weak now but it will get stronger.'  and also 'But you have a good heart. So I'm not that worried about it. But just... please think wisely.' 

or the time when the three went on a school trip to a camp and a young girl said to her 'It can't be.' and she freaked out, 

or when Arnim Zola was asking her about black magic. He must of new about this power much before the redhead did, that's why he must have been so interested in her knowledge, 

"I can't believe I'm here, it's fucking freezing," Cassie muttered to herself looking over the edge of the cliff, 

"Cold?" Steve asked walking up to the redhead, 

"Cold is an understatement." She looked up at the blond, 

after two years of going on missions with the Howling Commandos, Cassie had warmed up to the group of men. They all had their own ways of making the redhead laughing. Some of them even train together in the training rooms, at first it took a while for them to let her practice her archery around them. Mostly because she wanted to put an apple on their heads. But after a while, they trusted her enough, 

"Remember when I made you ride the cyclone at Coney Island?" Bucky walked up to the two, 

"Yeah, and I there up?" Steve questioned, 

"This isn't payback is it?" Bucky asked, before Cassie warped her arms around his waist, not just to warm herself up, but because she knew bucky had a little fear of heights. Which kind of confused the redhead since he loved roller coasters growing up, 

"Now why would I do that?" It wasn't often that Steve used sarcasm, but when he did he meant well, 

"This is going to be fun." Cassie grinned, looking up at the zip line. But looking back she saw the men looking at her like she was crazy, "The ziplining part, not the mission part." She quickly added

"Barnes, your girl sure is crazy." Dum dum said with a grin, 

"Oh, believe me, I found out years ago." Bucky smiled down at the redhead. 

But the thing was, Buckys heart was nearly breaking his rib cage as he only imagined going down the zip line. His hands, feet, face, every inch of his body was numb with the cold. But what confused him was how no one had looked cold, 

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