Chapter Eight

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"Ms Carter, why are you wearing a long sleeve shirt in my physical education class." My PE teacher, Mr Donovan asks me.

"Why shouldn't I be able not to wear one?" I ask him back and I can see out or the corner of my eye, Sarah rolling her eyes.

"You don't have to wear a long sleeve shirt, you know." He tells me again, as my whole class PE class stand outside under the big oak tree in the school grass area.

"It's fine. I kind of want to wear it." I tell him and he nods his head and we continue with the class,

The reason I'm wearing a long sleeve shirt is well because you can get rid of a tattoo. I still have my star tattoo on my wrist and I'm not letting anyone see it just yet.

"God I hate PE," Steve whispers to Bucky and I,

"Same, Stevie. Same." I whisper back as look back to Mr Donovan,

America is not anything like England near the end of October. In England, it would be more likely raining, but here in America, it's sunny and kind of warm. So all the girls are wearing shorts and shirts and the boys are wearing shorts and shirts as well. Well except for me, I'm wearing shorts and a long sleeve shirt.

"Okay, boys to my left and girls to my right." Mr Donovan says and everyone mixes up and stands where there supposed to be.

"Good thing there is more girls. It will be an even game." Mr Donovan says to himself as he stands in the football.

I hear all the boys chuckle and the girls scoff but no one says anything "Do you think because we're girls we can't do just as good as the boys?" I ask Mr Donovan who has a smile on his face, not not a happy one, more a smug smile.

"That's exactly what I'm saying." He says as he turns around to look at the felid, "Okay we're going to play a game of dodgeball. Everyone know how to play?" Mr Donovan asks and everyone nods,

"Is it the girl's verses the boy?" One of the 'popular' boys asks Mr Donovan has he plays with a ball in his hand.

"Yes. There are three extra girls so it makes it fare." Mr Donovan says,

"For the boys, cause the girls are going to murder the boys," I say and some of the boys start to boo and roll their eyes.

"We'll see about that." Mr Donovan says unsure and blows on his whistle and people start to run forward,

As balls start to fly around everywhere one flies right at my face, but before it can hit me I catch it with a smirk, as I look over to see non-other than Steve, with a shocked but smug face. I give him a smirk and shrug my shoulders as he walks to the side.

As the game continues more girls are out than boys, I groan as I continue to doge balls coming at me and throwing them at the boys. I've hit about four boys in total so that leaves six boys and there are four girls left.

As I hit another boy I catch another ball. This game goes on for about another ten minutes as by this stage there are two boys, Bucky and another guy. And two girls, Sarah and myself. "Okay, lets call it a tie." Mr. Donovan says as he comes into the middle of the playing area.

"Yeah because you're after of the girls winning," I mutter to myself as I place the ball back in the box.

"I would have beaten your ass, Barnes," I say as I walk up to Steve and Bucky, with a smirk on my face.

"How did you learn to play like that?" Bucky asks me curiously, and I just shrug my shoulder.

"I played it in my old school," I say, and I'm not lying, I did play it in my school in England when I was seven but that's the last time I played it.

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