Chapter Twenty-Two

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A thirteen-year-old redhead, archer and trapeze performer walks around the circus grounds as she waits for her turn to perform.

"Hey, Tom," Cassie says as she walks up to the hotdog stand by all the other food and amusement stands.

"The usual?" He asks and the redhead gives him a nod and a smirk, she curiously looks around as she wraps the jacket tighter around her half-naked body.

"One hotdog with ketchup," Tom says bring her attention back to the stand, she takes the hotdog with a smile and a nod of thanks. A perk at working at the circus is that she can eat the food there free, it's always either sweet or grease. But she's not complaining.

She skips her way back to the main tent, where she can hear her fathers voice talk and the crowd cheering. But halfway there is starting to rain slightly. Not wanting to ruin her hair she walks into one of the tents.

"Elizabeth. Just the person. I was going to get you actually, I had a feeling. And it was about you." Betty; the circus very own madwoman, aka the future teller.

Cassie never believed in the stuff she said. She just thought it was a load of bullshit. Like who would believe a person that can read your future? The redhead definitely didn't.

"Me? Why would you have a feeling about me?" The redhead asks pointing to herself before taking a bit of her mouth-watering hotdog.

"I don't know. But please have a seat." The woman says softly as she gestures to the see opposite her a the round table.

"Uhm..." Cassie says dubiously as she glances over her shoulder to see the rain pouring down. "Sure. I have to wait for the rain to stop anyways." She says, trying to make an excuse. But deep down inside she's actually drawn to it.

"Make yourself comfortable." The woman says again softly as she takes out a pack of cards. But they're not normal playing cards. No, these are Tarot cards.

"So, I'm going to spread out these cards, are you going to pick any random three that draw you to them," Betty says as she spread all the cards on the purple table cloth faced down.

"Any three?" Cassie reply's looking up at the woman.

"Any three." Betty reply's with, and the thirteen-year-old looks down at all the cards. Scans her eyes all over them.

"This one." She says pointing to one on the far left, "This one." Again to one hidden underneath another one "And... this one." She finally says as she looks back up at the older woman.

As the older woman takes the three cards the redhead pointed to, she flips them over to read them. At first, her face is confused, then shocked. And finally scared. Looking back up at the younger girl sitting in front of her she just. Looks. That's all. Eyes wide.

"Everything okay?" Cassie reply's with, as she slightly waves her hands in front of the woman's face.

"Everything is fine. Uhm. What your cards say are... actually I don't think I should say. Just in case something bad happens. It may be weak now but it will get stronger." Betty stutters out as she shakes her head, fear behind her eyes.

"Wait, but I will say." She says before Cassie can do anything. "Be careful with what you do in the future with that." She says and nods her head to Cassie's hands joined together on the round table.

Cassie looks down at her hands confused and then back up to the woman sitting in front of her. "My hands?" Cassie asks confused and the woman nods her head.

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