Chapter Five

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"Hey, gingerbread." I hear a familiar voice behind me, I turn around to see Bucky with a huge goofy grin and Steve with a big smile on his face,

I stop and wait for the "Gingerbread?" I ask as the three of us start to walk to school, I realized that Steve and Bucky live close enough to each other that they walk with each other. And I go by the town to get to school, there's a chance I might meet them on the way.

"Yeah, you look like a gingerbread man," Bucky says still with his cute but goofy smile on his face.

"Gingerbread woman." I correct,

"Oh yeah. Sorry, gingerbread woman." Bucky genuinely corrects himself, "So, did you bring your sewing kit. The characters are picked for the play."

"Yeah, it's in my bag. Are you nervous?" I ask Bucky who is on my right,

"Not really." He says and I turn to Steve,

"What about you. You nervous for the play, even though we're not performing we're still doing something." I ask Steve and he shrugs his shoulders,

"I'm just happy I can get to paint. Are you happy to be able to make the costumes?" He asks me as we make the turn into the school grounds.

"I mean. I don't love to make around twelve costumes on my own. But I won't hate it. It will be fun." I explain and both Bucky and Steve nod their heads,

"Well, I'll see you two at lunch. I have Maths in room 8." Bucky says as we enter the school,

"Bye, see you at lunch." Steve and I say in unison as he walks down the hall to his class,

"I'm just in here but I'll see you in science, next class," I say to Steve and he waves to me as I walk into the class and he makes his way to his class.

As I walk into the class I take my seat at the middle left seat in the room. My maths teacher is always late or else doesn't come to class, so I take out one of my books. I've finished all the books I have, and instead of using the money I get for working at Robins boutique, I'm saving up. From what I don't know, but I feel like saving up is the right choice.

Besides nothing's wrong with reading a book, I've re-read most of my books anyway. I don't carry all of my books in my bag anymore, it mostly breaks my back. With all my school supplies, a tiny bit of food and some of my books. It's heavy.

"Everyone settle down." Mr Bagnal says as he holds his leather briefcase bag in his hand and using his other hand to massage his temple.

He sits down at his desk and the class looks up at him "Okay so here's the deal. I have a hangover. Does anyone know what that means?" He asks as he looks up at the class,

"I mean you an alcoholic," I say as I still read my book and the class start to snigger at my comment,

"I'm not an alcoholic. But yes, I was drunk yesterday. So I don't care what you do, just someone please open a window." He tells us and a couple of people get up and open the windows,

Mr Bagnal takes out a cigarette and starts to light it as he leans back in his chair. "Just do what you wanna do, just please be quiet." He says groggily and everyone gets up and starts to walk around the room and mess with their friends.

I just keep my head in my book, until we all stop what we're doing hearing loud snores. We all look up to see Mr Bagnal leaned back in his wooden chair with a cigarette in his mouth, passed out and snoring loudly,

One of the most troubled making kids in my class walks up to Sir and started rooting through his desk drawers, "Oh my god, look what I found." He whispers shouts as he holds a flask of whiskey above his head.

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