Chapter Thirteen

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22nd Of December

"Sweetheart? Come on. It's time to wake up." A familiar voice says as I open my eyes. I'm met with a redhead woman with a wide smile on her face.

"Mum?" I say shocked.

"Darling, it's time to get up. Everyone is already downstairs." She tells me and I grow confused.

"Where am I?" I ask her and I look down and I'm wearing velvet pyjamas.

"Dear, we're home. Are you feeling okay?" She says as she puts the back of her hand on my forehead.

"Fine, I'm fine. Thank you." I say dazed before pushing the duvet off my body and standing on the ground.

I look around and nostalgia hits me, my old bedroom. Everything is in the same place as I last left it before we came to Ohio for the 4th of July.

"Dear, are you sure you alright?" Mum asks me again and turn around to her and nod my head but having a confused expression.

"I'm fine Mum," I say my accent coming out stronger as I talk. "Fine," I mutter to myself as I continue to look around at my child-like room.

"Well, get dressed. Everyone is downstairs waiting." She says as she turns on her heels to leave.

"Everyone?" I ask confused and Mum turns around to look at me with a smile.

"Yes, everyone." She says and leaves me in my room.


As I walk out of my room dressed in a lovely baby blue dress that I found in my closet, I pass Peggy's old room. I stop and walk in looking around at a teenage room? Not a toddler room.

"Cassie." I voice says from behind me and I just slightly and spin around and my mouth opens slightly at what I see.

"P-Peggy?" I say shocked as I look at a thirteen-year-old brunette girl. I hesitantly placed my hand on her left cheek, shocked.

"Uhm. Are you okay? Mum said you were acting weird this morning." She says and her voice is so much different than what I thought it would be.

"I'm fine." As I quickly retract my hand to my side "Uhm, we should probably go downstairs to everyone."

"Probably." She says as she grabs my hand and pulls me down the stairs in my well know house. We walk into the kitchen but what I see shocks me.

Peggy lets go of my hand and stand beside Mum and Dad. Dad oh my god, he looks older. His face has started to grow wrinkles and his hair is starting it get a bit greyish. Mum and Dad both place a single hand on Peggy's shoulder. But when I look to the other side of the table I see, Paul and Mary, holding hands and both in their circus costumes.

"Hey, sweetheart." Mother says with the lovely sweet smile she always used to give me.

"Mother? But you died. Pneumonia." I say more shocked at her and Paul are here.

"Sweetheart. What are you talking about?" She asks me and a tear rolls down my cheek.

"I saw you die. Your last words were said to me; 'you'll do great one day sweetheart. I know it. I love you. You don't remember?" I tell her and more and more tears fall down my cheeks.

"Sweetheart that never happened." She tells me in a soft voice and I start to breathe unevenly as I look between my two families.

"Dear, you have to pick one. You can't have both." Mum says her English accent thick, as she looks at me and both Dad and Peggy nod their heads.

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