Chapter Nineteen

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Three Weeks Later

"So, you excited about the trip?" Steve says as he carries his bag on his back.

"I guess. I mean I it's kind of like camping growing up in the circus." I tell him and he nods, "How are you feeling? Any better?"

"Much better actually. Thanks." He says as we continue to walk to school.

"Did you get the slip signed?" I ask him and he nods at my question,

"You?" He asks and I smile and nod.

"I asked Ms Robins to sign it and I used some money I saved up to pay," I explain and Steve nods his head,

"Bucky said he would meet us at school? Right?" Steve ask and I nod my head,

"Yes, that's what he said. Well, I think that's what he said." I say as I take out my pocket watch to look at the time "7:40 am." I declare.

"We could always go check on him," I say again and Steve shakes his head,

"If we do we'll be late. I'm getting in trouble just before a school tour." He says and I smile at him.

"If we go now we'll be back in time," I say and Steve sigh and shakes his head again.

"No-" He starts

"Come on, scaredy-cat." I tease as I grab Steve's sleeve and drag his back the way we came.

"If we get in trouble, I'm blaming you." He says and chuckles at his tone of voice used, it's him trying to act confident but not very good at it.

"You can't fool me, Steve," I say and he chuckles slightly,

"What are you- uhm. What are you talking about?" He stutters and I give him a 'Really' face.

"Steve I grew up in the circus. It's not an easy life, I can read people like books." I state and he frowns his brows,

"Is that why you read so much? Cause you can read people like a book." He teases me and I groan and roll my eyes,

"No, I read books because when I was going up in England I didn't have many friends. I mean I had one but we only used to read together. And reading kind of stuck with me after." I explain and Steve nods his head and makes his mouth an 'O' shape

"What else did you learn in the circus?" He asks me and I smile at him,

"Years in the circus taught me things I wouldn't have learned otherwise. Like how to hide in plain sight-" I start but Steve cuts me off,

"How do you do that?" He again asks me and I shrug,

"Well you need to be able to do things with the snap of your fingers-" I say as I snap my fingers together "When you mastered that. You just need to keep a low profile. Like, don't be too suspicious and act natural." I explain,

"How do you act natural?" He asks me and I just smirk.

"That brings me into my second thing. I also learned how to fool everyone with just a smile and an accent." I explain again and he nods,

"Is that why you bottle your feelings up?" He asks me and I clear my throat,

"Yes. When you perform, no matter how shit your life is. You gotta put on a smile, the audience doesn't want to know about all your troubles. They paid money to see you perform. The show must go on." I say bug without making eye contact.

"God, that seems miserable." He says and I chuckle at his sentence.

"Yeah. Kind of is." I say as I glance down to the ground as we just reach Bucky's neighbourhood.

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