Chapter Thirty-Four

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One week after Bucky gooing to war, Steve has been preparing himself to go off to war. And also trying to reassure Cassie that again everything will be fine. "Steve, don't even try to change this conversation to reassuring me everything will be okay. Cause it won't, I know it won't. Something horrible is going to happen. I know it, I just know it." Cassie says while Steve talks about leaving for war. 

"Cass, you can't know that something bad is going to happen. That's impossible." Steve calmly says, 

"But the thing is Steve whenever I get a bad feeling it's usually correct." She says calmly putter her head in her hands. 

"Look-" Steve gets cut off by two firm knocks at the door.

"That cant is the girl, that knock is too strong for her," Cassie says looking over at the door. 

"Yeah. Are you expecting anyone?" Steve asks and Cassie shakes her head walking over to the door and Steve following close behind. 

opening up the door Cassie sees the brunette girl, Howard Stark, and Dr Erskine. "Can I help you?" Cassie asks confused while sparing Steve a glance, and he just looks as confused as her. 

"Wow, she's more good-looking than you told me." Howard Stark says looking over at the brunette who sends him a glare. 

"Excuse my friend. May we come in?" The brunette woman says in a thick English accent 

"Uhm, why may I ask?" Cassie asks, her accent just as strong as the brunettes 

"We just wanna talk to you about something personal." Dr Erskine says the German accent is very strong. 

"Okay... come in," Cassie says opening the door wider for the three to come in. 

"What about Mr Rogers?" Erskine asks as the five walk into the kitchen. 

"I'll end up telling him after. He's like my brother." The redhead says with a tight-lipped smile. 

"Uhm, where do we start-" The brunette starts

"You could start with telling me your real name, and why you've been giving me and Steve money for the last two months or so," Cassie says with her hands crossed over her chest and a cocked eyebrow. 

"Well, the reason we've been giving you money is that we've been trying to help you. And I overheard you in a diner that you needed money." The brunette says with a small smile. 

"But why us? Why help us when you could help other people way worse than us?" Steve asks  looking between the three, 

"Actually the money was meant for Ms Carter. But the reason we've been trying to help you is that your sister has asked us to." Howard says looking at a frozen Cassie. 

"Wait did you say, Cassie's sister?" Steve asks shocked at what he heard. 

"Yes, her sister," Stark says with a smirk, glancing over at the brunette. 

"But why would she want to help me? The last time I saw her was when she was four. I've barely been in her life, so why would she want to help me?" Cassie finally picks up the courage to talk. 

"And why do you think that she wouldn't want to help you?" The brunette asks looking at her with sad eyes,

"Well because I blame myself for her growing up without a sibling. If I didn't leave her she would've had someone to play dolls with her, or someone to do her hair for school. But no, she grew up without a sister cause I was so stupid to get a bag of popcorn." Cassie scoffs as tears gather in her eyes. 

"I don't blame you. It wasn't your fault." The brunette says with a sad smile. 

"You mightn't blame me. But my sister should. God even my Mum and Dad would be disappointed in me for leaving her." Cassie says back, leaning back against the counter and putter her head in her hands. 

"Your sister doesn't blame you." The brunette says walk closer to her, and all the rest of the men in the room just silently look. 

"How would you know?" Cassie asks still not looking up, 

"Because I just said I don't blame you for leaving me all those years ago." The brunette says, which makes the redhead shoot her head up to look at her. 

"What?" The redhead whispers,

"I never answered your first question. My name's, not Penelope, It's Margret Carter. But most people call me Peggy." She nervously says with a smile, 

"Peggy?" Cassie asks and the brunette just smiles and wraps her arms around the redhead. 

Steve and the two men look at the two long-lost sisters reunite. Pulling back from the hug Cassie cups her younger sister's face with a smile. "How-How did you find me? Look so different from what I expected. How did you get such a job." Cassie stutters out in shock as she has tears coming down her face. 

"After I joined the SSR the first thing I asked was to try to find you. And after Michael went MIA I joined the Special Operations Executive. And then joined the SSR and got the title, Agent Carter." Peggy explains and Cassie looks confused. 

"Michael?" Cassie asks and Peggy smiles. 

"My- Our brother," Peggy says which shocks Cassie even more. 

"Brother. So you're not the youngest anymore?" Cassie asks and Peggy shakes her head. 

"But this not actually the reason we came here," Peggy says looking over her shoulder to look at Dr Erskine and Howard Stark. 

"Actually we wanted to ask you something," Howard says and Cassie gives him a confused look. 


"So, let me get this straight. You want to train me to become another Agent for the SSR?" Cassie asks and the three nod their heads. 

"Yes, Ms Carter said you stood up for a waitress in a diner a few weeks back, yes?" Dr Erskine asks and Cassie nods her head glancing between the three. 

"And how did you learn about bursting someone's arteries?" Howard asks and Steve chokes on his tea, 

"Is that what you did? You told me you said to him to just be kinder." Steve says, and Cassie just smiles at him. 

"Well, I did tell him to respect the waitress. But I also did push a fork against his rib cage." Cassie looks over at her friends who give her a scolding look. 

"Okay, but how did you learn about that?" Howard asks again, bring Cassie's attention back. 

"Oh, well I did grow up in a circus. It's not the easiest life you could say." Cassie shrugs with a smile bringing the rim of the cup to her lips. 

"Well can you fight?" Peggy asks and Cassie shrugs again. 

"The basics." Cassie reply. 

"What about a gun?" Howard chimes in. 

"I'm more of an archer, I can also flip a knife, which isn't much. Oh, I can ride a horse. And I'm able to do trapeze." Cassie says with a smile and the three nod their heads with raised eyebrows. 

"Trapeze?" Dr Erskine asks and Cassie nods. 

"What about archery, how long did it take you to learn that?" Peggy asks and Cassie thinks for a second. 

"To learn archery was a week or two max. But mounted archery, which is on a horse was a few months." Cassie says with a small grin and Peggy nods her head. 

"Are you a fast learning?" Howard asks and Cassie nods. 

"Kind of trained to be," Cassie says and again the three nod their heads. 

"This is the plan. You're going to come with us tomorrow morning and then we'll start the training." Peggy says with a small grin and Cassie smiles at her. 

"Okay..." She trails off looking at Steve, 

"Go, I don't mind. As long as your happy, I'm happy." Steve smiles at her. 

"I'll see you in the morning then."

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