Chapter Thirty-Five

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"Look, Stevie. I don't know when I'm going to see you again. So I want to say I sorry for all the times I got mad at you for joining the war." Cassie says as she walks into the kitchen where Steve sits at the table eating breakfast and reading the weekly paper. 

"Cass, I don't blame you for getting mad at me. I know your only trying to protect me. But I also want to tell you to be careful as well." Steve places the newspaper on the table looking up at Cassie. 

Cassie gives her best friend a small smile sitting down opposite him. "Is that what everyone thinks of me? That I'll get in trouble everywhere I go." She laughs and Steve starts to chuckle. 

"Well, you mostly do get in trouble everywhere you go." Steve laughs and Cassie playfully rolls her eyes taking Steve's piece of toast off his plate and putting it in her mouth. 

"I saw yesterday the way you eyed Peggy," Cassie says with a smirk and Steve chokes on the tea that Cassie enticed him to drink. 

"What?" He lightly his chest and he clears his throat. 

"Come on, I saw the way you looked at her," Cassie smirks at him and his face starts to heat up. 

"You saw?" He scratches the back of his neck looking at her. 

"I'm observational." She shrugs standing up to get a cup of tea for herself. 

"Of course you are," Steve says with a small smile turning around to look at her. "Wait your not mad?" 

"Why would I be? You two would be so cute together." Cassie carefully pours the tea into the small flowery cup and cupping it with her hands, while walking back to the table. 

"Why would she date someone who would be stepping on her toes the whole time?" Steve sighs taking a bit of the remaining of his toast. 

"When I first danced with Buck I stood on his toes." Cassie shrugs taking a sip of her scolding tea. 

"But the first time you danced with Bucky, you kissed him," Steve says 

"Technically he kissed me," Cassie says and Steve gives her a 'Not helping' look, "You get my point, you don't need to be a good dance to ask her out." 

"You're the only woman I've actually talked to without stuttering on words or something like that." Steve states and Cassie rolls her eyes.

"The first time you talked to me you stuttered. If I remember correctly you say, and I quote 'Uhm. S-sorry is this seat free? T-there's no seats left and my friend and  I need a place to sit." Cassie teases with a laugh and Steve sighs

"You're not helping Cassie." Steve scolds her to which she laughs harder. 

"Come on, Stevie. It's hilarious. You have to admit it." She says wiping a fake tear from her eye. 

"Are you making fun of me?" Steve sighs again and Cassie shakes her head. 

"I'm teasing. Big difference." Cassie drinks the last of her tea and standing up to put the mug in the sink. 

"I don't-" Steve starts but gets cut off by a knock at the door

"I'm doing the dishes. Steve, could you get the door?" Cassie says with a smirk, thankfully her back was to Steve so he couldn't see. 

"Okay," He stands up to get the door. "Y-yes. She's just in here." Steve says as he walks into the kitchen to see Cassie cleaning all the dishes. Which is only her single mug she drank out of, 

"Good morning, Cassie." Peggy's strong accent calls out through the room. 

"Peggy didn't even know it was you," Cassie says unable to keep her smug grin down and ignoring the scolding look  Steve gives her. 

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