Chapter Seven

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After Bucky and I got into a little argument on Saturday I haven't seen or talked to him till now. It's currently Monday last class and I'm sitting on the stage finishing up Mrs Pots dress.

"What are you doing here? You have picked my rose!" Bucky says as he reads his script but I can't help a smile creep on my face, "I really don't get this play." He says with a sigh and drops the script on the stage beside him.

I look over at him and give him a small smile "It's the part where Belle's Dad takes a Rose from the beasts garden." I explain and Bucky looks over at me and gives me a nod and a smile.

"Thanks." He says and gives me another smile,

"See. I told you everything is going to be fine." Steve whispers into my ear as he paints on some cardboard.

I give him a smile and mouth 'Thank you to him and he gives me a reassuring smile and nod.

"I really don't think I should be playing the beast. Like I haven't read the book, and I'm not intending to either." Bucky says and I let out a small laugh,

"The books about a prince-you- who was cursed and the only way to break the curse is if the beast finds love and is loved back. And then there Belle-Sarah- who is a strong-minded girl and is taken by the beast after her father is imprisoned by the beast. With the help of all the servants or cutlery. They help Belle and the beast fall in love." I explain and Bucky looks slightly less confused,

"So it's a love story?" Bucky asks and I purse my lips and shrug my shoulders.

"You could say that." I say as I go back to sewing the last bit of the dress, "Annnnd done." I say as I hold up the dress in front of me to examine it,

"Wait does Bucky have to kiss Sarah then?" Steve asks with his eyebrows knitted together.

"Oh please no," Bucky mutters as he rests his palm on his forehead,

"In the book yes they kiss, yes. But I haven't read the script. Bucky passes me the script." I say with my hand outstretched, Bucky hands me the script and I start to flick through to near the end.

"No, it's just a hug. You just have to hug Sarah. That's all." I say a relief rushes over me, I hear Bucky sigh before I pass him back the script.

It's no secret that Bucky is good looking. And it's no secret that I have a crush on him, I've had it ever since we first met. But the best thing is I'm good at hiding emotions so I can hide the fact I have a crush on him. But I have a feeling Steve knows something. But I know Bucky doesn't have the same feelings. Or does he?

Who am I kidding? Of course, he doesn't have the same feelings. Why would he?

Who would like me? A book nerd, ginger English girl, who has a lot of secrets and the biggest one is that she's from the circus.

"Ah, Ms Carter, I see that my dress is finished. Correct?" Mr Smith asks coming up to the stage seeing the finished dress on my lap.

"Oh, uhm. Yes sir, all done." I say as I lift it to show him, he has a shocked but excited smile on his face,

"Okay, uhm. Ms Jones, please come up and try this dress on please." Mr Smith says as a raven-haired girl comes up and takes the dress off me and walks into the bathroom.

After a minute she comes out with a dress on, the top is white with yellow lines and a purple bottom. There was also a big yellow bow in the middle and more colours spread around the dress

 There was also a big yellow bow in the middle and more colours spread around the dress

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