Chapter Three

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I've been going to school for over a week now and made any friends yet. Not that I'm making a move to make any or that I want friends. I'm just going to school to get an education. I don't know why, I read a lot, so that brings up my reading and writing. I've travelled around America since I was seven, so that's my geography. I'm English so that's my English. And history, well, they're dead over it.

I walk into my art class a couple of minutes late because I woke up late this morning. "Ms Carter, care to explain why your five minutes late to my class." Ms White says sarcastically as I walk into the class.

"No, I'm fine thank you," I say with an innocent smile and her face glares me down, but I don't cower under it. I've been given worse at the circus,

The whole class are silent onlookers, Ms. white is not backing down at her glare but before she could yell at me the door opens again and two boys walk in.

I never bothered to grab their names but one is a small scrawny blond boy who looks guilty for coming in late and the other is a tall, brunette boy. They both seem to pant slightly and Ms White glares them down even more.

"Mr Rodger, Mr Barnes. Do you also care to explain why you're late?" Ms White says and her glare gets harder and harder by the second. The blond boy seems to cower under her glare but the brunette, with really nice ocean blue eyes-

What the fuck am I talking about?

The brunette does seem to cower under her glare much. "We had to run to school." He says as he catches his breath,

"Well thank you for your explanation, Mr Barnes. But Ms Carter, what's your explanation?" She asks me while her gaze shifts to me,

"I stick by my first answer," I say with a little shrug,

I can hear one of the boys beside me cough to try to hide his laugh, but ends up slightly chuckling. I shift my gaze over to him, as well as the rest of the class, the blond boy and Ms White.

"Is something funny, Mr Barnes?" Me. White asks in a pissed off tone,

"No, no nothing. Sorry." He says trying to recover from laughing slightly,

"Hey Rodgers, why aren't you speaking up?" One of the girls at the back says I realized her name was Sarah. One of the main bullies at the school.

"Hey, bitch. Shut the fuck up." I say in a pissed off tone as I look at her, I'm tired of all the bullying she does.

"Ms Carter." Ms White says in a shocked, and annoyed tone. The rest of the class was shocked at my reaction,

"Yes?" I ask Ms White innocently,

"What the hell did you just say to me?" Sarah says shocked and also annoyed,

"I think you heard me correctly," I say calmly to her and shift my gaze back to Ms White,

"The three of you. Detention, this room after school." Ms White says and the three of us nod our heads and take our seats.


During lunch, like usual I sat on a bench under the big tree beside the schoolyard. A group of boys were playing soccer with a ball and some girls were sitting on a couple of benches close to the one I was at.

I didn't bother talking to any of them, I had my head in a book. "Uhm. S-sorry is this seat free. T-there's no seats left and my friend and I need a place to sit." A blond boy asks who I remember as Mr Rodgers.

"Sure," I say kindly as I look up at him and his friends. Who I remember as well as Mr Barnes.

"Thanks," Barnes says as he and Rodgers take a seat opposite me.

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