Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Ms Robins I'm heading out. I'll be back this evening." Cassie says as she walks out of the kitchen.

"Well, you'll do great today sweetheart. You've come so far from two years ago." The older woman says with a sniffle. Ms Robins and Cassie have grown a close relationship over the two years. Not like a mother-daughter relationship. More of grandmother and granddaughter. Seeming that Ms Robins doesn't have any kids or grandkids.

"Thank you, Ms Robins." The young woman says with a sad smile. But before she walks towards the door she wraps her hands around her boss.

"Now, you don't wanna keep your man waiting so you?" Ms Robins teases Cassie, and the redhead laughs and shakes her head.

"No, no. I don't want to." Cassie replies as she turns around to the door and makes her way down the street to Bucky's house.

taking the all too familiar road to Bucky's house a smile grows on her face thinking about the two hectic years she had with her two best friends and one of them is her loving boyfriend. this is all she's ever wanted, friends, a boyfriend. everything is a dream come true to her. Bucky's family is like a third family to her, and that's all she can ask for.

as she reaches Bucky's door of his house, she makes a single knock on the door and makes her way in. "Ma, have you seen my tie?" Bucky's voice can be heard from upstairs and cassie rolls her eyes and laughs to herself thinking about how panicked he is.

"James I thought I told you to keep it- Cassie, I didn't hear you come in," Winnifred says as she brings the redhead into a hug,

"sorry I probably didn't knock hard enough," Cassie says as the two pull apart,

"Ma, do you also- Doll." bucky cuts himself off when he sees Cassie standing by his mother. and bringing her into a tight hug.

"you look amazing Doll," he says again and gives her a passionate kiss on the lips, looking down at her.

"I'm not even in my outfit yet," she explains before giving him another kiss on the lips and wrapping her arms around his muscular frame. And finally resting her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat,

"You always look good, Doll," he explains as he goes to kiss her again but someone clearing their throat to distract the loving couple.

"if you want to be early you might want to get ready," Buckys Father says with a newspaper tucked under his arm,

that's all it took buckets to grow a boyish smirk on his face and pull cassie up the stairs to his room, while cassie walks over to the box with her graduation gown and dress in it, Bucky on the other looks everywhere in his room to try to find that tie he was looking for.

"A-ha." he cheers when he finds the tie at the back of his closet,

"you so childish, you know that." cassie laughs at him as she starts to slip the dress on over her underwear and bra.

"And your not?" bucky asks with a giggle and cassie rolls her eyes playfully, and moves her hair to the side to try to zip up her dress.

she starts to grunt at the annoying zipper that's of course a few centimetres too long. Every angle she goes at it feels like it's teasing her. "Need some help with that, Doll?" bucky teases her, knowing how much it's annoying her.

"Please," she grunts as she feels Bucky swat her hand away and a giggle leaves her mouth. Some of the hair had been laying on her back, and the brunette carefully pushes all the hair to one side. As the hair is laying over her shoulder, cassie starts to play with the tips of her hair. wrapping it around her finger,

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